Insanity Workout VS HIIT: What’s better?

Imran Khan
6 min readMar 31, 2022


HIIT and Insanity workouts are inspiring a shift to healthier lifestyles, fostering a more fitness-aware population.

When people say that HIIT and Insanity are the same, that’s not what they mean. HIIT is just one type of high-intensity interval training, but there are many different types. What’s more, Insanity is a brand of workout videos marketed by Beachbody, which incorporates a different type of exercise regimen altogether.

We observed some similarities. Although the methods are based on similar grounds and tend to have similar results, there are some differences. Here are the main differences between HIIT and Shaun T Insanity workout programs. You might not have known that they are not as different as they seem.

Skip ahead to :

  • Insanity
  • HIIT
  • How did Insanity Exercise gain popularity?
  • HIIT vs Insanity


Shaun T, a celebrity fitness trainer who was behind some of the most popular workout videos, created the Insanity workouts as a 60-day at-home video fitness program that promised to be the best way to get in shape. The Shaun T workout series is part of the Insanity training program and has become increasingly popular for a variety of reasons.

People can do these brief yet intense workouts with their body weight; no additional equipment is needed because they rely only on their body weight. Shaun T’s insanity program is one of the most popular at-home fitness series. It also offers a money-back guarantee for anyone who completes the Beachbody insanity series and is unhappy with the results. Check out more articles click here👇👇👇

How did Insanity Exercises gain popularity?

Over the years, the idea of Insanity workouts has become more popular among fitness enthusiasts. It’s fair to say that this machine has been very successful so far. What is your take on it? Do you think it’s effective or not? Let’s look at some test results.

The Shaun T Insanity workout became popular after it was introduced in 2009. One of the reasons people find this workout appealing is:

  • Any type of exercise can indeed be effective, but not every form of exercise requires a ton of extra stuff. At the end of the day, what makes Insanity so impactful is that it only requires your own body to do exercises like cardio. Some people need to dedicate more time and space to exercise, but others don’t require HIIT. Shaun T Insanity focuses on intense cardio, which is a faster workout.
  • The Insanity workouts are an alternative workout to programs like P90X are expensive and require a lot of bulky equipment. We found that people like and use Nike+ for a lot of reasons, including the way it is simplifying running. This one feature in particular drives a lot of popularity among those who used to indulge in other fitness activities, such as P90X or Insanity workouts.
  • The challenging and creative exercises make insanity workout videos appealing to a lot of people who do body workouts, as they only use body weight. The entire workout program is based on Shaun T’s tough, bodyweight-based exercises to help you get in shape. You’ll burn a ton of calories without having to work out as long.

HIIT vs Insanity

People often ask whether Insanity workouts or HIIT are better. There are many details to keep in mind when choosing your workout program, and we can break them down for you by contrasting these two popular training methods:

1. Adaptability

Yet, we must understand that a body can adapt to any fitness routine over time, which means you should figure out the most appropriate program for your needs and then stick with it for a long time to stay in shape.

With Insanity, you will be able to work out in a new and exciting way every day. This is more enjoyable than the boredom of constantly using the same routine. However, like any workout, occasional injuries are always possible with this program too. Due to the overwhelming number of high-impact workouts, it becomes difficult over time to avoid the danger of potential injuries. ACL tears are also typical among those on an Insanity regime.

Likewise, HIIT provides you with a lot of flexibility. All you need to do is adjust your recovery period to your increased fitness levels when it’s time to make things harder. In the past, it could have taken three minutes to recover from a 30-second blast, but now it only takes two minutes. So the work isn’t becoming any tougher, which protects you from getting hurt, but the recovery period is improving.

02. Cost

It’s no wonder that Insanity is so popular with target audiences. With an affordable price point and no need for any equipment, these videos have easy to fit into a routine with other workouts. Beast Mode will help you focus during your workouts. It incorporates cues that help you focus and kill out distractions so that you can get the workout done. Plus, it is optimized for both iOS and PC!

HIIT is a great way to break a sweat and offers an amazing amount of benefits. You can do HIIT at no cost, whether you’re at the gym or just using your body weight. Check with your fitness center for more information about the HIIT program offered there if you have access to it!

03. Arrangement

Another consideration when choosing between the HIIT program and Insanity is the different types of exercises. While HIIT can be completed anywhere, the insanity workout requires you to go outside or work out at home with the TV or computer on.

Insanity can get you results, whereas HIIT has shown potential but isn’t as well-known. You cannot HIIT in a high school track loop, but you can perform HIIT anywhere with some minor adjustments. It only takes some room and an empty weight scale; no TV is necessary.

04. Workout Complexity for Beginners

The Insanity exercises are quite difficult and intense; they’re made for those who are in good shape and want to get even better. If you are not exercising regularly, this routine will not help you see immediate results. People who stick with this method often find the workouts’ level of intensity gratifying. It can be very intense, so be prepared before you start.

Intense workouts mean you’ll see benefits quicker than other forms of exercise. The benefits can include cardio and muscle shaping, among other things.

For beginners, it might be easier to start with a HIIT-based program. It will still be a challenge, but participants can work out at an intensity level that is comfortable for them. is a time-efficient exercise that can be customized for your fitness level by picking how hard you work out.

HIIT workouts are usually shorter and they boost your metabolism. The Shaun T Insanity program is also very intense, as you are constantly moving for at least 3 minutes at a time.

So, which one should you choose?

Whether you choose insane workouts or HIIT is entirely up to you. Insanity workouts might be the right fit for elite athletes or they might not be the right fit for training amateurs. If you’re new to it, it’s still a great way to keep your workouts fresh and your strength up.

Although Insanity-style cardio burns more fat in the long term, it may not be the right option for people with a low tolerance for higher levels of intensity. HIIT routines, on the other hand, will push your limits and burn fat much more quickly.

It can be difficult to know which one is better for you but always prioritize your health and safety first. So try both out and see which one suits you best. As with any new activity, do what is right for your fitness level. Is a lengthy to-do list of business operations distracting you from your clients’ growth? Manage your fitness business efficiently on Bookie and give your members their desired results.

Originally published at on March 31, 2022.

