Being “YOU”nique (the Birth of Outsourcing 4U)

Begin Discovering Your Purpose and Unlock Your Best Life

Ina Exmundo
5 min readMar 25, 2023
The photo was taken in Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia — The largest religious structure in the world. This was my first-ever solo trip.

I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I’m getting tired of watching all of these short videos, reels, and YouTube videos with the same content, concept, and so on. Social media has become so influential in recent years that everyone is obsessed with creating content in order to be noticed publicly and become famous.

Being UNIQUE today is so rare that people struggle to brand themselves or create their own identities.

If we look closely at these famous influential people on the internet, we can see how they established themselves and how they stand out from the crowd. From my perspective, these people have a clear vision of their “Purpose.”

From Greater Good Magazine:

What is Purpose?

“To psychologists, the purpose is an abiding intention to achieve a long-term goal that is both personally meaningful and makes a positive mark on the world. The goals that foster a sense of purpose are ones that can potentially change the lives of other people, like launching an organization, researching a disease, or teaching kids to read.

Like happiness, the purpose is not a destination, but a journey and a practice. That means it’s accessible at any age if we’re willing to explore what matters to us and what kind of person we want to be — and act to become that person.

To put it another way, to be unique, you must understand your purpose, which is hidden deep within your inner self and difficult to discover. We cannot learn this from other people; we can be influenced or motivated, but… It will only come from us.

How did I start finding my purpose?

During the start of my journey in the Construction Industry, I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity in the Middle East to start working on the foundation of my Career. It was a huge shock for me because I had so little experience in my home country, and I felt so little because I got to work with people who had been in the industry for years and had far more experience than me. When I first started working with these people around me, it was always difficult to stand out.

At the time, I believed that I was unmatched by these people who had far more experience than I did and that in order for me to be a valuable part of the Company, I needed to stand where I am as a newbie. I must enjoy being new to the industry, learning the systems and processes, picking up techniques from my colleagues, honing my communication skills, and soaking in every experience.

The Journey to My Purpose

In the Philippines, around 15% of the total population of the country is working abroad in different parts of the world. The Philippines’ 40% are middle-class families and the majority of 58.4% of Filipinos belong to the low-income class thus resulting in a high unemployment rate. As an ex-Overseas Filipino Worker, the main reason why we have to leave our families and work abroad is that there are better opportunities and we are compensated way more.

My previous company in the Middle East had given me so much value and I was one of their employees that the company would be proud of. I was promoted several times in two years and even received higher-paying offers from other companies. So, when I returned to the Philippines, things were very different; I can demonstrate that Filipino professionals in this country are underpaid, undervalued, and unappreciated. It was nauseating, sickening, and stomach-turning to work for a company that pays you less and expects you to work like a PRO.

My Purpose

I eventually had to leave my 9–5 job. It was very stressful and exhausting for me to commute from home to work every day. So this was the start of my journey to becoming a Virtual Professional and earning money while working from home. I’ve worked with a few clients who own Construction Companies, and with all of my career experiences, I was able to save them from drowning in doing all of the work in their company.

I got inspired by these experiences from my clients and eventually put up a business out of it.

Thus, the birth of Outsourcing 4U.

I created this company because I had these inner purposes:

  1. I want to help my fellow Filipino Professionals in finding a job where they can work with people who value them and, most importantly, a job that pays well. Companies in the United States, Canada, London, and elsewhere have been outsourcing to the Philippines for over a decade. It has been established that the Philippines is one of the countries that produce the best and most diverse professionals in various industries, but aside from offering our best services at the most affordable price, we also provide them with a globally competent and high-quality package.
  2. It is difficult to be a jack of all trades in your own business as a business owner. Running a business without assistance can be stressful, tiring, and exhausting. Every one of us has our areas of expertise, and we may not know everything about our industry. Getting help, or in today’s parlance, Outsourcing is one of the best ways to grow and scale your business faster. Hiring a professional to do the job that normally consumes a lot of your time and energy allows you to focus on the more important aspects of your business, such as improving your systems, gaining more clients, re-strategizing your marketing techniques, and so on. So, if you are a business owner like me, you now have a better understanding of why you should also consider hiring a Virtual Professional for your company.

When you hire Outsourcing 4U, you get to consider allowing Filipino professionals the opportunity to discover their inner purpose, where they can feel valuable and finally have a reason not to leave their families for work.

Why is this a huge deal?

It is due to the fact that Traditional Filipino Families are known for having strong and close family ties and leaving home was never easy.

I feel so ecstatic, now that you just had a glance at how I discovered my Purpose. I also want to be an inspiration to those who haven’t discovered their true calling yet. My advice is to enjoy exploring the world, to embrace all of your experiences, and to treasure the fears that keep you from doing things, the doubts you have within yourself, and the thoughts that tell you “You can’t.” If you enjoy the process, you have already won and if you are passionate about something, you will do it regardless of the outcome.

Latest Article: I Paused, Reevaluate, and Appreciate

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Ina Exmundo

Writing to Inspire! An Architect by Profession | Top 5% Freelancer | Entrepreneur | Investor | Canada based