Dear Ambitious Self

Ina Exmundo
2 min readApr 29, 2023


Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

I want to start this letter by expressing my admiration for your passion and perseverance in pursuing the goals you have set.

You are extremely unique because of your everlasting devotion to your goals and unrelenting passion for them.

The road ahead may appear to be long and difficult at times but keep in mind that each step you take will bring you closer to your desired destination.

There will be times when you doubt yourself, when you feel like giving up, or when you question whether your goals are worth pursuing. In those moments, I want you to remember why you started in the first place. What was the fire that sparked inside of you, igniting your desire to chase your dreams? Hold onto that flame and let it fuel you through the tough times.

Remember, too, that it’s okay to fail.

Failure is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of courage.

It means that you had the bravery to try, to take a risk, and to put yourself out there. It’s through failure that we learn and grow, and it’s through failure that we become better versions of ourselves.

So don’t be afraid to fail. Embrace it and let it teach you valuable lessons.

As you continue on your journey, never forget to take care of yourself.

Your development will be hampered if your physical and emotional well-being is neglected, which is just as vital as your goals. Never forget to refuel your body and soul. Take pauses when you need them. Rest when you’re worn out.

Lastly, remember that success is not the destination — it’s the journey.

Every step you take, every challenge you overcome, and every lesson you learn is a success in itself. So celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and take pride in the progress you’ve made.

I want you to know that I believe in you.

You are capable of achieving greatness, and your determination and hard work will take you there.

Keep pushing forward, keep chasing your dreams, and keep being the ambitious self that makes you so extraordinary.


The Future Successful YOU

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Ina Exmundo

Writing to Inspire! An Architect by Profession | Top 5% Freelancer | Entrepreneur | Investor | Canada based