ICO Marketing Agency: Why Do You Need One

4 min readAug 21, 2018


Entrepreneurs keep bringing new projects and investors appear to have faith in the blockchain technology. When posting this article, total funds raised through ICOs reached $18 billion, with 723 projects alive.

Even with such a tremendous interest in ICOs, the token market is challenging and every year it’s getting harder to stand out from the crowd. A great idea is not enough to become a successful startup and launch the product. If you want your story to be heard, you need a solid campaign and a viable strategy.

At INCRYPTICO, we believe that any ICO project needs one blockchain marketing strategy for the product and one for the ICO itself. Today, we will set the focus on the ICO and what to consider when choosing an agency to be your guide.

Core competency in blockchain

By now, you should know that ICO employs both traditional marketing methodologies and the latest innovative approaches. Traditional agencies know little about blockchain, and that is not something you learn even in a year. That means you need an agency that has a solid experience in marketing but most importantly specializes in blockchain, cryptocurrency market and ICO. The best case scenario is to hire a team that works solely with ICO and blockchain-powered projects.

ICO marketing services from A to Z

With the benefit of hindsight, we know that 99% of companies who want to start an ICO have no idea how many hidden pitfalls will come up upon the road. We recommend making an ICO marketing checklist so your team could ensure they cover all activities and tasks to run a successful ICO.

  • PR Services: strategy, communication with journalists, press releases and publications on traditional and crypto media resources, communication with investors, search and planning for conferences, support of the CEO’s LinkedIn page;
  • Advertising: free and paid placements on the ICO listing websites, promotion via ad networks (Google Adwords, Facebook, Twitter), banner advertising, email marketing;
  • SMM and community management: bounty and airdrop management; content strategy and planning, news publication on Medium, Steem.it, LinkedIn, Reddit; account management on BitcoinTalk, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram;
  • Design: consulting, audit and advice on the best practices, user-friendly patterns and full ICO marketing guidance throughout the development;
  • Smart Contracts audit: secure smart contract development and testing for your ICO crowdsale or token offering;
  • White paper writing and/or audit: ICO white paper writing and/or proofreading, table of content, language policy.

Experience counts

Seeing once is better than hearing twice. Before signing a contract with an agency, make sure you do your research and know the list of projects they have worked with or still do. Check their performance by a strategy they follow, publications they make, the funds they have raised within ICO campaigns.

Set your budget

The more time and money you invest in your project, the more investors and advisors you can attract which is the main goal of any ICO. ICO is an immature phenomenon in the financial market. According to different sources out there, blockchain marketing costs can vary from $40,000 to $300,000 but there is no real limit. The ICO marketing prices are not final and may differ greatly depending on the niche, the product itself, competition rate, and finally, rates of an agency you consider to hire.

Know the ropes

Did you know that Twitter and other big tech are banning ICO ads? We knew it long before it happened. The blockchain industry is a fast-growing field and changes happen every day. It is critically important for your marketing team, either you have an in-house team or hire an agency, to be aware of all big and small events and react to the news appropriately.

Drawing the line, your agency should be agile and ready for an alternative ICO marketing plan.

Trust and verify

We’ve already mentioned that any agency you choose should be an expert in ICO and blockchain to understand your project, its benefits and how to put them in a favorable light.

Another vital thing is to measure results. We appreciate transparency and always provide our clients with a clear plan, strategy, goals, and funds needed to achieve results. If you don’t know how to track your activity and analyze it, we will show you what metrics to follow during the campaign, how to monitor the advertising and when to optimize your token sale. Moreover, we will be in charge of all the activities, so that you could focus solely on the product development.


ICO campaigns come in an effort to attract investments, generate traffic, and get the maximum exposure. You can learn from the biggest winners in ICO rounds and try to understand how they gained success. But keep in mind that every blockchain project is unique, has its benefits and prospects, and you can’t rely your strategy on someone else’s plan.

At INCRYPTICO, we know the drill — how the blockchain industry works, which newsworthy sources to follow, how to design a white paper and prepare for token sales. Our team has over 10 years of experience in traditional digital marketing and over 5 years in promoting services in the blockchain industry.

If it does carry conviction, share your thoughts and plans with us and we’ll start planning your ICO campaign right away.

Send your offers via email or contact us on social media:







Incryptico is a full-service marketing agency for the blockchain powered products. https://incryptico.com/