DAOhub pt.2 — Web 2 and 3 HR research

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4 min readAug 9, 2022

Current status of Web 2 and 3 HR

Focusing on unsolved problems in Web 3 HR and what could be taken from existing Web 2 HR to make a fitter recruitment system for DAO as mentioned in our previous chapter.

Web 3 HR

What should be done to solve the problems — lack of contact point between supply and demand and difficulties in recruiting talented individuals.

How Dework works

For DAO:

  1. Log in, select Organisation to set up
  2. Choose to either create a project in Dework or import projects from Trello or Notion
  3. Then….. invite members/create tasks or bounties/set appropriate rewards for the task/create roles etc

For Contributor:

  1. Log in, profile setting(connect to Metamask & DIscord, and select wanted field of work)
  2. Freely roam around DAOs and find tasks to participate

Worth noting Features:

  • DAOs can review contributors’ profiles (reputation)

In situations where DAO lacks assurance in the work of the contributor, a reliable colleague can be chosen to take responsibility for the work.

  • Whatever task completed or points earned can be compiled into a portfolio and be used as a reputation in Dework.

A good reputation can provide a higher chance to be chosen for work and better conditions to work.

Worth noting Features:

  • The existing platforms for matching talents and DAOs can not handle the high supply and demand of users.
  • Since the existing reputation system provides only single-dimensional information, more information about the contributors has to be given to DAO when recruiting.
  • Usage of reputation is too limited. The work-history-based reputation can be also used to match related tasks and streamline the search process of contributors.
  • Searching for work one by one wastes time and it is difficult to determine the best options users have. A user-friendly search system is required.

Web 2 HR

We will look at the complementary points of the scale of supply and demand, the job search method limitations, and the reputation system that we found looking at the Dework previously.

For JOB offering — LinkedIn

1. Community — how LinkedIn expanded the user pool

Like social media, users can follow others and get updates

  • By combining features of social media, it is no longer just a tool for seeking jobs or seeking workers but a form of community, sharing information about jobs.

Adding community features increased the user pool and provided more options for the company leading to frequent job matching.

2. DM — how LinkedIn provided a chance for further/detailed self-promotion

DM provided an opportunity to talk to every user on Linkedin privately

  • Head hunters can get extra information apart from information listed on the profile

More information helps head hunters to decide whether a person is necessary to be part of the company

3. Matching algorithm — how LinkedIn helped to recruit

  • Recommendation to head hunters according to their following and search history on LinkedIn to help them find people they want
  • Linkedin talent hub, specialized for head hunters, using a customized filter, they can find people up to the standards they want

An efficient search engine such as a recommendation system is needed to reduce searching time and increase convenience for the head hunters.

For JOB seeking — Indeed

1. review system

Anonymous reviews from workers who worked at the company show evaluations and ratings of the company according to various categories (work-life balance, welfare, remuneration, stability, management, job security etc.)

  • Looking at forthright reviews written by employees who worked rather than the basic information reported by the company helps to make a careful choice

With a simple rating, the company can make its employees produce better performance and workers can expect the better working conditions

2. Company search system

  • Indeed recommend similar jobs once users save companies they are interested in.

Having a recommendation system provides more options for job seekers and reduces the time needed to search for a job.

We looked through features of recruiting tools in both Web 2 and 3. Based on what we have searched, in the following article, we will present our finest version of the DAO recruiting tool, the DAOhub.

