Artion DAO

A DAO that will beat the VCs and win the auction for an Artion NFT Marketplace community takeover —

Fraser Brown - Degen VC
4 min readFeb 10, 2022

An auction has been announced:

This was tweeted on February 9th, 2022.

Here are the ArtionDAO Gnosis multisig address:

Frognation needs to win this auction. Funds can be sent to the following addresses on Fantom Opera and Ethereum chains respectively:

Fantom Opera Gnosis: 0xa5D7dEA9BCA0b10165649c7936302b27CD648C51

Ethereum Gnosis: coming soon.

Here is the ArtionDAO twitter:

Who are the current ( initial) Gnosis signers?

  1. Paul Scott- Former bank treasurer. In web3 a full time degen since 2016.
  2. Fraser Brown — Olympian. Managing solidity developers every single day in life since 2016.

Why are we doing this?

We are passionate frogs, anti-VC owning Web3, NFT degens, and experienced opensource project coordinators.

Can we talk to you? What about communications?

Here is the telegram group.

Sure, DM on the channels linked to in our names above or via telegram once you have tagged us in the group. Also as soon as the DAO starts moving we commence twitter spaces meetings to onboard the communities temperature on various things as we move towards the auctions further details and implementation.

Schedule of twitter spaces:

  • Friday 11th February at 18:00 UTC
  • Monday 13th February at 18:00 UTC
  • TBC

What will happen if there are additional funds not used after the auction is won?

The community will decide what to do. By this stage we envision the Gnosis multisig will have many signers that would bring a level of confidence for many options to be considered no matter what size ArtionDAO becomes.

If it does not win the auction (not going to happen) obviously wallets are refunded.

What are your credentials as core dev team on an opensource Artion?

One of the most interesting pieces of work we did recently was an implementation of Rarity on Polygon fully interoperable with OpenSea. During this process we learned all of OpenSeas vagaries, tricks and tweaks.

Check out how we have used stats, levels and boosts to maximize the utility of the NFT’s metadata.

We are also already working on similar implementations with Artion, and we have explored the inner workings of NFT marketplaces — backend and frontend- that we developed ourselves.

In addition, we are passionate about opensource and ran our own hackathon in partnership with Gitcoin in 2021. We have experience working with remote teams too, and with bounty driven opensource work. This is not easy. Experience doing this is vital for the success of Artion and so that it does not only keep pace with VC funded competitors, but overtakes them for the benefit of the whole community and frognation.

Who are your developers?

These are the github addresses of our current team. We are in the fortunate position to be able to expand this team easily as needed and quickly. We have worked with this team for over two years continuously.

What is important is that the minute the auction is won we can deploy a full team to the project on core tasks and in coordination of the opensource army. These include in additions to PMs, one senior solidity, two solidity, one front end, one QA and one senior backend service and devops.

Will you rug us?

We have consistently managed millions of dollars of community treasury and consistently and transparently kept building and shipping without any complaint or misdemeanor. Our track record in this speaks volumes, and we are doxed. We are not going anywhere.

What are you getting out of this?

Well, nothing. But we want to coordinate the project and get a reasonable remuneration from the DAO. If the DAO wants someone else to coordinate the project that is fine too. We foresee more Gnosis signers very soon and no issue with implementation of DAO votes even if that vote is for comprehensive changes.

Will there be a token?

To state the obvious, a DAO need a token so it can vote. But, the community needs to want one and decide its design. Increasingly token designs facilitate the benefits of a protocols fees in favor of a token community. The community will decide. If Degen receives any such tokens we will send most to our community of DGVC LP holders too because we love them.


