Self-help program — Your intuition

Emilie Raymond
3 min readJul 26, 2020


Intuition is when you know you know something but you don’t know how you know it. I am sure you experienced it before!

Why is your intuition important?

At this stage of the program it is time to understand how your instinct can be helpful when it comes to making decisions in an ever-changing environment.

As I mentioned before, our society has put on a pedestal our rational brain, what author and midwife Mark Harris calls “meaning-thinking” brain. While the “meaning-thinking” brain is on a pedestal the limbic system is on the floor completely forgotten and neglected. The limbic system is involved in our behavioral and emotional responses, especially when it comes to behaviors we need for survival: feeding, reproduction and caring for our young, and fight or flight responses. Although we like to think that we are so different from other mammals we are really not but our neo-cortex (and ego) is trying hard to make us believe so.

The limbic system is what a women needs to give birth. The survival of our species rest on a woman’s ability to tap into her deep intuition, her faith in her ability to give birth like hundreds of thousands of women before her. Yet, this fundamental part of us is dismissed with condescendance by the neo-cortex who is convince it knows better than this old owl of a limbic system!

Your intuition is important because each part of our body has a function fundamental to our survival and no system can be neglected.

Self-help tools to tap into your intuition

I love a bit of science because Madame Science always end up in a room with Madam Wisdom to hear her say “I told you!”. This relationship between Mme Science and Mme Wisdom reminds me of the relationship between neo-cortex/limbic system; teenager/adult; parents/grandparents; you get the picture right?

  • Let’s start with mind-blowing book “The Gut” by Giulia Enders. Also watch her TED talk here. The gut is the only organ which is made of the same tissue than the brain… Meditate on this!
  • Start noticing the signs of the Universe as described by Ulla Suokko here. We often think that signs are big messages, maybe even voices telling us where to go, what to do. But really a sign is only a subtle event almost un-noticeable when it occurs. Very often you can only connect the dots looking back. Yet these signs exists, you can practice noticing them so you become more alert and connecting the dots happens more frequently.
  • Finally let’s get on this journey of a reading with Clarissa Pinkola Estes and “Women who run with wolves”. Although the title can lead you to think that this book is meant for women only is it not. Women and men are not that different and the weight of norms is as heavy on men as it is on women. I am waiting for the awakening of men and the dismantling of toxic masculinity which literally kills men as they have no space to express their feelings and be vulnerable.
  • Discover your human design to understand what is your authority. Understanding your design can help you grasp how much of your decision making is/or isn’t intuition based.


  • Deprogram your thinking where the meaning-thinking mind is more important than the intuitive based mind
  • If you are new to this concept, read more about it and build your own opinion about this topic. It is important that you understand whether this resonates with you or not. My split between intuition/meaning-thinking cannot be the same as anyone else because each of us are unique. The more you learn about this the better you will know what is your split when it comes to making your own decisions.


Sawubonasana is a space where you can be yourself, seen, heard and appreciated just the way you are.

Sawubona means “I see you and by seeing you I bring you into being”, Asana means posture, way of living. I was guided to use this name by my guides and my ancestors. Recognising that each and every one of us is powerful is a way of reclaiming the spaces where we have given our powers to others.

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Emilie Raymond

Sawubonasana is a space where you can be yourself, recognized and loved just the way you are.