Microsoft Engage mentee to Microsoft Intern Journey

Eva Sharma
4 min readFeb 6, 2023


My end-semester examinations were going parallelly with Microsoft Engage’22. To get an internship at Microsoft, I had to build a project. Preparing for the exams and finding time for the project was very hectic. But I somehow managed it and secured an internship.

Microsoft Engage is a mentorship program for second-year engineering students.

I was a part of Microsoft Engage 2022, and now I am an upcoming intern at Microsoft for the summer of 2023.

I am here to share my experience of MS Engage with you guys, and how I secured an internship at Microsoft.

If you want to know about Microsoft Engage, and how I prepared for it, then refer to my blog:

Everything you need to know about Microsoft Engage

This blog covers my experience of MS Engage after my selection, and how I secured my internship.

Microsoft Engage Experience

ms engage selection email snapshot

In the beginning of the program, all the mentees were put in different groups and were assigned a mentor. In the kickoff webinar, the following instructions were made clear to us:

  1. MS Engage is a mentorship to train students for an internship at Microsoft.
  2. Students build a project under the guidance of their mentor. Usually, Three project themes are there, and students have to choose among them.
  3. The program lasts about 28 days, and the students have to complete their project in the given duration.
  4. Based on continuous evaluation throughout the program, the students secure internship opportunities.

Below is the snapshot of the schedule of MS Engage’22 taken from their website.

MS Engage’22 schedule snapshot

These were the three themes given to us:

I was unaware of the tech stacks required for all of them.

Moreover, my end-semester examinations were going parallelly. Preparing for the exams and finding time for the project was very hectic.

Thus, after some research and guidance from my peers, I chose the face recognition theme.

We had to deliver a working prototype with industry-level code.

I didn’t want to hamper my examination results by giving my entire time to the project. Hence, I chose a theme in which I could deliver a good product with minimal effort.

Note : The mentor was there to guide us, not to help with our code.

As shown in the snapshot below, we were required to submit a video demo and the source code.

After submitting the project, I was satisfied with my work. I had submitted a working project, and also given my exams well.

I had learned a new tech stack, built a good network and was now waiting for the results with my fingers crossed.


I woke up one morning to see the notification flashing on my phone:

I was immensely thrilled!

Being on the seventh sky or the ninth cloud doesn’t even describe my excitement!

So, this was my experience with Microsoft Engage!

I can’t wait to start with my internship and begin a new journey!



Eva Sharma

Microsoft Intern'23 || Gsod'22 || MS Engage'22 || Desis Ascend Educare'21 || NIT Hamirpur || Computer Science and Engineering(Btech)