INTEGRITEE Sri Lanka MEME Contest!

Unleash the MEME Lord Inside you!

Integritee Sri Lanka
2 min readMar 26, 2022

මෙහි සින්හල පරිවර්ථනය මෙතනින්

A call to all memelords and memers out there! The INTEGRITEE project is not all about Data Security , but fun as well! That is why up until the 25th of april 2022, we are launching a Meme contest for all those who think they have the creative skills to claim the total prize pool of 50 $TEER per Regional Community

Steps to Follow:

  1. Create a funny and informative meme
  2. Post it on the twitter with these tags : @integri_t_e_e @IntegriteeSL #IntergiteeMemeContest $TEER
  3. Quote Retweet the Meme contest announcement Tweet
  4. Follow @integri_t_e_e and @IntegriteeSL on twitter
  5. Join the Integritee discord channel
  6. Join Intergritee official community and Intergritee Sri Lanka community on Telegram
  7. Fill out this form

Requirements for memes:

  1. Popular memes can be used, but only in the context of the Integritee project
  2. Image, Gif and short video formats are allowed
  3. If its short video it should be less than 60 sec
  4. The uniqueness of a meme increases the chances of winning
  5. No limit on the number of memes


  • First place 25 $TEER
  • Second place 15 $TEER
  • Third Place 10 $TEER

Join the Intergritee Sri Lanka meme contest and win some $TEER

Good luck to all memers!

