How I’m Growing a Pinterest Account with Little Effort

Introverted Millionaire XO
4 min readJun 25, 2024


Pinterest Account Growth

I know I need to be on Pinterest, but I hate pinning. It takes me forever and it just feels like a lot of work for no immediate results. I guess you can say I’m more of an instant gratification kinda gal. (uh-oh)

I had a baby clothing company in the past called Lenny Lemons. We hired a freelancer in 2017 to build our Pinterest account and she absolutely nailed it. Our account was getting over 2M impressions per month a handful of years ago when we left off.

I sold the company and no longer have access to the stats, but I peeked at the their Pinterest today and discovered a couple of things.

Lenny Lemons Pinterest Page

First, they’re actually getting a ton of views for work that’s been (mostly) been done from 2017–2020.

Second, they could be utilizing Pinterest in a much better way today and get their impressions back up in the millions. It looks like the last time they posted was 4 months ago, so about February of 2024.

Lenny Lemons Pinterest Scheduling

Now, I will say when I was running Lenny Lemons, Pinterest was a bit disappointing to me. We were spending more than we were making and of course that’s not an avenue that you want to continue, right?

Yes and no.

Despite the over 2M impressions we got, we got minimal sales from Pinterest overall, let’s say 5%.

But, in hindsight, the lifespan of Pinterest exceeds all other platforms, even more so than having our blogs on our website. So, long term, yes Pinterest does help, but you need a cost-effective strategy to make that happen.

If I were still running Lenny Lemons or any online business today, I would use Pin Generator. You can build an account for the price of a few coffees per month and create lasting results.

Pin Generator Testimonials

Recently, I started Introverted Millionaire XO, an online blog where I help entrepreneurs make money online and I’ve been using Pin Generator for the past 2 months.

It took me a couple hours initially to play with the software and learn how to use it, but since then, it’s been a breeze.

Introverted Millionaire XO

Here’s my page, but to get a better understanding of how this is working let me explain.

I spend about 10–15 minutes on Pin Generator 1x per week to schedule posts. It creates nice looking pins (you can upload your own templates also) and can even use AI to create descriptions and titles for you.

At the time of this article, I’ve got pins already setup and scheduled until August 7th.

Pin Generator Scheduling Tool

My results are slow and steady, but it allows me to focus on building the business without feeling stretched too thin.

Here’s how my growth is looking, I estimate I’ll hit 100K impressions in 6 months and 1M impressions after 1 year. Today during the time of this post I’m posting 20 pins per day and after 3 months I’ll up that to 30 pins per day.

Introverted Millionaire XO Pin Generator Results

I’ve spent over 1M advertising on FB and Google and love the immediate results that come from paid advertising. I still feel that to have a well rounded approach to your business, avoid abrubt Google updates and reach a wider audience, you’ve gotta be on Pinterest.

You can see a case study directly from Pin Generator of how they reached 5M impressions in less than 6 months and exactly how they did it.

I think you’ll be impressed, it’s actually what enticed me to try it out. So, if you’re wanting a cost effective alternative to hiring a freelancer to pin, you’re tired of wasting hours to do it yourself or you need to begin establishing a presence on Pinterest, I highly recommend you look into Pin Generator.

To your success,

Introverted Millionaire XO

Affiliate Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links for products I believe in.



Introverted Millionaire XO

So not boring. Make money online. Funny stories and practical advice.