A Thousand Thanks: Your Help Makes This Journey

3 min readOct 17, 2023

As I sit down to write this article, the excitement is starting to build. We are getting closer to a significant Medium milestone — 1000 followers! It’s a number that seemed like a distant dream when I started this journey, and it’s all because of each one of you who has been a part of it.

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and extend an invitation to join me on this incredible journey. But before I delve into that, let me share a bit about my journey so far.

The Journey So Far

When I first started sharing my work, I was fueled by passion and driven by the desire to create content that inspires, educates, and entertains. Breaking down technical content in to chunks everyone could manage and inspiring others to hack hardware, write code and explore the atypical sides of cyber security and intelligence gathering. My journey has been one of highs and lows, but it has been worth every moment.

From my very first article to the latest one, I have poured maximum effort into each piece of content. The journey has been as much about self-discovery as it has been about creating. Through the process, I’ve had the privilege of connecting with so many amazing individuals who have offered their support, insights, and encouragement. There’s so many unique people in the tech world and that diversity is part of what makes it such a strong community.

What’s Next?

As we approach the end of 2023, there’s excitement for what lies ahead. The aim is to break through the 1000 mark and beyond but the truth is, milestones like this are not just numbers on a screen; they are a testament to the incredible community that has grown around my work. And for that, I am immensely grateful to you all.

I want to invite you, whether you’re a long-time follower or just discovering my work, to join me in this next chapter. Here’s how you can get involved:

1. Follow: If you haven’t already, click that “Follow” button to stay updated on my latest articles and updates. I also make all efforts to follow back and engage with your content in return.

2. Engage: Share your thoughts, feedback, and insights in the comments. Engaging in discussions with you is one of the most fulfilling aspects of publishing regularly.

3. Spread the Word: If you find my work valuable, share it with your friends, family, and colleagues. Your support means the world to me.

4. Connect: Reach out to me on social media or through direct messages. I love hearing from you and getting to know the people who make this journey so special.

Join Us

Approaching 1000 followers is a milestone I could only dream of when I started this journey. I’m humbled, grateful, and excited for the future. We have our next book launching in January, and our startup continues to slowly take shape, on track to be launched at the beginning of next year.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Here’s to the next 1000 and remember, engagement is a critical part of the medium journey for all of us. If you see work you like, clap it. If you found an article useful, then share it. And keep trying to expand your following with diversity. Medium is our community and nothing helps growth like some solid community spirit.


Medium has recently made some algorithm changes to improve the discoverability of articles like this one. These changes are designed to ensure that high-quality content reaches a wider audience, and your engagement plays a crucial role in making that happen.

If you found this article insightful, informative, or entertaining, we kindly encourage you to show your support. Clapping for this article not only lets the author know that their work is appreciated but also helps boost its visibility to others who might benefit from it.

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Investigator | OSINT Analysis | Hardware Hacks | Software Defined Radio | Crypto Writer | Uncovering insights at the intersection of Technology and Security