Working Families

iotaGift invited to White House Regional Forum

2 min readJun 17, 2014

On May 27th, 2014 iotaGift was honored to be the only non-government organization to have an information table at the White House Regional Forum on Working Families in San Francisco. The invitation was extended to us because of the work we are doing in veteran and military communities.

U.S. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez with Founder Karla Hawkinson

The highlight of the day was meeting U.S Labor Secretary Thomas Perez. He was the featured speaker and made the point that we can grow the U.S. economy AND make life better for working families in several ways including adjusting work hours to accommodate family needs, such as doctor’s appointments, without forcing families to take vacation or sick time.

Another speaker, Jody Greenstone Miller, shared how her company, Business Talent Group, is creative with time and task structuring when defining jobs so that employees can choose the time commitment that works for them.

We were also able to introduce iotaGift to Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi after she participated in a panel discussion. She thought iotaGift was a great idea and could see how it makes it easier for working families to get and give #HelpEachOther.

It was an inspiring day full of ideas from different areas of expertise — all geared toward helping people help each other. Exactly the kind of effort iotaGift is dedicated to.




at we help fill everyday needs like shoes, home items or clothes via #Crowdfunding — bringing down the barriers to giving and receiving.