Get a Medium Notion Template for Free When You Buy My Guide 🎁

A gift for Notion users

Irma Geddon
3 min readOct 10, 2022


This article will be short.

My friend Britt Malka wrote to me the other day to tell me she enjoyed The Spoonie Guide to Success on Medium. As you can imagine, I was overjoyed—I am always so happy when I am told my work is making other people’s lives better or easier.

As you might already know, my guide does not focus on productivity or working your ass off. I have low energy, and I make sure my strategy is not too demanding. It focuses on slowly building your Medium presence, and getting monetized quickly nonetheless.

I did an experiment a while ago, to make sure everything is doable. And it is! You too could do this, little bean. ✨

Britt is offering a free Notion template to those who buy The Spoonie Guide to Success on Medium by going through her link.

And I love this for you! I want you to get this opportunity to get more unicorn sparkles for your dollars.

Notion template screenshot



Irma Geddon

I am a multipotentialite neurospicy chronically ill artist, earning money with passive income. USA Today Bestseller.