Medium Goal #13: 2,000 Followers

I feel like a big girl now! 😂

Irma Geddon
3 min readAug 6, 2022


I started writing here on April 9th, 2022. So, almost four months!

In those four months, I have been blessed. I have written almost a hundred articles (I think this one is number 99!). I have earned money with my writing, more than I ever imagined I would. I have started to build a community of like-minded artists, who want to earn money online with passive income streams, in a fun and non-ableist way.

And as of today, I’ve reached the point where there are 2000 little beans ✨ that want to read my articles!

I usually miss those milestones, because I am a notorious scatterbrain. But not today! And, as a matter of fact, I even succeeded in taking a screenshot at the right moment! 😂

So, that’s one more for my list of milestones I hope to reach at some point on my Medium journey. It feels so good!



Irma Geddon

I am a multipotentialite neurospicy chronically ill artist, earning money with passive income. USA Today Bestseller.