Enhancing Efficiency and Compliance in the Workplace with Real-Time Video Analytics

In my previous article, I had covered the “5 Key Considerations Before Implementing Real-time Video Analytics”. Today, let us discuss about the most common use of video analytics in organization — compliance monitoring.

Isaac New
3 min readJan 22, 2024


In an era where technological innovation is revolutionizing workplaces, one of the most significant advancements has been in the field of video analytics.

Video analytics, especially when applied in real-time, is playing a pivotal role in industries where manual labor is indispensable and automation has its limits.

Understanding Video Analytics

At its core, video analytics is the process of extracting meaningful information from video footage.

Video analytics has evolved from basic video surveillance to sophisticated systems capable of real-time analysis and decision-making.

Unlike traditional surveillance, which primarily records and stores footage for later review, modern video analytics systems can analyze video streams instantaneously, providing immediate insights.

Common Use Cases in Organizations



Isaac New

I am Isaac New. I love life and I love everything related to science, technology, and programming.