Palantir is not a data company (Palantir Explained, #1)

2 min readNov 12, 2020


Palantir has often been described as a secretive company. There is some truth to this. For many years, we primarily served institutions with exceptional confidentiality expectations in fields like defence and intelligence. We often had little choice but to remain silent about our work, even when misunderstandings about the nature of our business appeared in the media or in the public sphere.

Now that we serve clients in a wider range of sectors, we have an opportunity to be more open. This is particularly true for sectors like healthcare, where Palantir’s software is used to process personal data. People have a right to understand how Palantir technology works, and how our customers use it.

Common misconceptions recur, particularly around the assumption that Palantir can use or transfer client data for its own purposes, or can join data from different clients together to sell on. This is not how we operate and never has been. In this blog post, we will explain more about the nature of Palantir’s business.

This blog post will be the first in a series, Palantir Explained, that will explore a range of topics, including our approach to privacy, security, AI/ML safety and more. We hope you find these blogs useful and informative; and we welcome feedback. If you find these blog posts inspiring and would like to join us in solving the challenges described, have a look at the opportunities we have available — we’d love to hear from you.r” or “data aggregator.”

Unlike many tech companies, our business model is not based on the monetisation of personal data. We do not collect, store, or sell personal data. We don’t use personal data to train proprietary AI or machine learning models to share or resell to other customers. We never facilitate the movement of data between clients, except where those specific clients have entered into an agreement with each other.

