Early Bird Catches the Worm~

Validating my status as a moderately morning type of person. Yes, I live for waking up at 4:30 in the morning most days to get to school on time! Learning about the type of person I am and how it can be used to my advantage by first doing prep work assigned by scheduling educator Amy T.

Isu Mizumi
3 min readApr 10, 2017
My quiz result. (Source: Me, but the Site Source)
(Image Source)

Before I started looking at the prep work blog post by the scheduling educator, I had a good feeling that I was going to be a morning person. I always wake up early in the morning to make sure I had enough time to get to school (and get parking!). I was happy waking up so early, while many of my friends think of 7 AM or earlier as “evil.” I just like waking up early and going to sleep early, so I figured I would be able to guess what type of person I am. The result didn’t really surprise me that much because I have been known to wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning, full of energy and dancing to start the day. Many people tend to think that I wake up at an “ungodly” hour, but for me, it’s always been a normal thing. I wasn’t surprised at all because I can’t go back to sleep after waking up early. I’m already awake and ready to do things. It fits very well with my current schedules since I always have a lot of day classes and do my homework and activities during the day. I only occasionally go to social events that take place late at night, but I also have activities that are in the night time such as choir rehearsals and clubs. I do find that I get really sleepy around 10 PM when I’m not at a social event, so I can see why I’m more of a day person than a night person. My most productive time of the day tends to be in the afternoon when I have a lot more oxygen in my brain and have a better awareness of things around me. As a result, I tend to have more focus and can do things more efficiently. This goes on until around 8–9 at night, and by that point, I get too sleepy to properly think and finish work.

If you want to check out the quiz, take it here!!

I may not be a night owl, but I am a bird, an early bird. :)

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