Come and Join Us
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If you want to get started right away, the mechanics is simple. Just click here.
Read below for the rationale behind ITMarketplace.
Here are our core beliefs:
- Anything goes — see Paul Feyerabend. We don’t believe in frameworks or any software development methodology. It is all about do-it-yourself because you know your problem domain better than anyone. That’s the more important concern than somebody hawking their wares as the solution.
- Self-organization — We believe in structure and discipline but work is just a means to an end, not an end in itself. There are more important things in life than work, and you better organize your life around it rather than around work.
- Mastery — We believe in specialization, not the jack-of-all-trades. Don’t fool yourself into believing that you are a full-stack developer, let alone a DevOps. However, this means that you are either a ops-friendly developer or a developer-friendly operations. That’s it. No more, no less.
- Purpose — Everyone has their own point of view or belief. We give unto each individual what is subjective, and to falsifiability what is objective. No need for flame wars. Whatever is your goal, aim until you reach it. If you have a stance, defend it vigorously but be flexible if somebody’s argument is better.
- Work anytime, anywhere — Being independent is not for everyone. You have to hunt for your own projects. You have to get out of your comfort zone. However, once you establish yourself, you won’t regret going back to old ways.
- Newbie-friendly — Anyone is welcome regardless of your technical background (or lack thereof). Remember that we are all newbies at one point in our life. In order to be newbie-friendly, anyone is predispose to teach. That’s the only way. If you can break a complex idea into something that a beginner will understand, that is the essence of mastery.
- Usability. We leverage all the great open source software of the world. ITMarketplace is solely focused on Go language and any software written in Go. For the first time in history, there is a programming language that is bringing back the fun to computing. However, just because it is written in Go does not mean it is good software. There is a bunch of horrible software out there and our goal is to weed out the bad ones. Moreover, ITMarketplace aims to crush the Curse of Knowledge. The community is not affiliated with any open source or commercial organization, and thus, may rant all the bad parts in the IT industry. In the end, usability wins because this is what the community deserves.
So without further ado, let’s start. So what does it take to be part of ITMarketplace? In a market, there is supply (developers, operations) and demand (individuals or companies).
The Supply Side
Regardless of your technical background (or lack thereof), anyone is welcome. However, there are some rules and guidelines for everyone.
- rules
- guidelines
- backend software is all in Go
- front-end and analytics are all in JavaScript
- must have account at GitHub, Twitter, Wordpress or Medium
The Demand Side
- There is no employer/employee relationship. Everything is project-based
- Know what to expect based on rules and guidelines above for the supply side.
For any question or concern, email me at the address listed at
Do you want to be a developer, and sustain a fun and meaningful IT Marketplace? Just click HERE.