Waltonchain is Partnered with Jiangsu Zhongke Internet of Things Technology Venture Capital Co., Ltd.

4 min readJan 31, 2018


Walton has updated their website’s Partner list. I’ve taken the liberty of translating some of the logos and text, and reverse image searching to see what I could find. This post covers one of the partners I’ve unearthed. It has not been officially announced, as only the logo has been listed on Waltonchain’s website. This is a result of some sleuthing.

Jiangsu Zhongke Internet of Things Technology Venture Capital Co., Ltd.

Here’s the translation of the image in the Walton Partner list:

A little searching led me to this, which provided me a link to their website.

They are located in Jiangsu, where Walton is building their Air purification and Smart Monitoring Project, contracted by the Jinhu Govt.

Mission: Carrying on the national mission of industrial research and technological innovation in China’s Internet of Things and relying on the comprehensive strength of scientific research and technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , and adhering to the direction of industrialization; gathering resources from governments, investment institutions, enterprises and customers, and exploring innovative business models for the Internet of Things ; Play an exemplary, leading and driving role in the Internet of Things industry.

Vision: “Based in Wuxi, across Jiangsu, covering the whole country, affecting the world. Become a national well-known, world-renowned Internet of Things professional investment company.”

“Jiangsu Zhongke Internet of Things Technology Venture Capital Co., Ltd. is invested and established by China Internet of Things Research and Development Center with a registered capital of 150 million. It is a wholly state-owned enterprise with independent legal person qualification.

The Company’s Position: Through investment and service, it will set up a project incubation platform and investment and financing platform for the Internet of Things industry to realize the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements in the Internet of Things industry. Through investment and service, it will set up a domestic and overseas industry exchange platform for the Internet of Things industry, Industry authority information platform and products and services trading platform, to achieve the integration of the Internet of Things industry chain.”

So this partnership is technically a National-Level Government Partnership.

Read the entire company profile. It fully lays out what they do and contains a ton of quality information.

Here’s their partner list.

They’re partnered with China Unicom and ZTE, both members of the China Mobile IoT Alliance that Waltonchain recently partnered with, as well as with an impressive list of govt agencies, industry alliances, research institutes, investment agencies, consulting agencies, and joint ventures.

This partnership is going to open Waltonchain up to an even larger connection sphere than they already have.

Going even further, through the Industry Report tab, under Investment Research, the company lists 3 reports, 2 of which are relevant to Waltonchain:

  • Beidou Chip Industry Research Report
  • Agricultural Products Traceability System Industry Report

You can use google translate to parse through the reports if you want

Regarding the Beidou Chip:

A few weeks ago, Waltonchain Project Director, Lin Herui, was invited to attend the Beidou IoT Global Launch Conference & IoT Innovation and Development Conference. There, Lin Herui shook hands and discussed IoT with Beidou Navigation leader and Academy of Engineering Academician, Tan Shusen. Tan Shusen stated that the addition of such advanced technologies as blockchain will play a great role in the development of the IoT industry.

At the recent Global IoT Summit 2017, Waltonchain won the Outstanding Product Award for their Smart Waste Management System:

“Through the integration of the BeiDou location tracking technology (BDS), GIS [Geographic Information System], mobile communication networks and other information technologies, the traditional waste management system was upgraded to be increasingly automated and efficient”

Regarding Agricultural Products Traceability System:

Waltonchain announced in a slack AMA on January 3rd that one of the 3 child chains (now 6) that are launching alongside Main net would include a chain in the agricultural industry. They reiterated this point during the Waltonchain 2018 Annual Meeting.

Waltonchain will be receiving investment funds from this VC, and they are supporting the exact things that Waltonchain is doing. Waltonchain seems to have laid a lot of groundwork, and the dots are all starting to connect.

Hopefully we will find out more about this partnership in the coming weeks as Waltonchain continues to unveil their plans for integration in IoT in 2018.

Originally published at medium.com on January 31, 2018.

