Save your time Everyday

Close these Leakage of Time

Check out this post for smallest but important things that waste time during the day, be more productive, efficient and get more out of your time.

4 min readJun 24, 2024
Close these Leakage of Time
© Author

We all have a finite amount of time on this planet and fixed 24 hours a day, you might seem surprised how one can do so many things while others are complaining about not having enough time. Here are my selected time secrets which help me to have more time for doing the things that matters more without missing the essential tasks.

1. Not Planning What to Wear

It take time to choose what to wear, what is matching and is it iron or not that sets a slow rhythm for you in the morning that make it hard for you to cope up with the rhythm of the day when you start slow. Plus it takes out energy from your decision ability. So decide what you will wear tomorrow, before going to bed or copy it from famous personalities like Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs to buy and wear same colour clothes everyday.

2. Accessing Social Media due to boredom

Social media shows us too many emotions and they have endless data so every-time when you open it, it gives you something new. Which is enough to attract our mind during boredom. These days, short content (30–90seconds) is on boom. Do some maths, if you have watched 12–15 in one go, assuming average time for every content was 50 seconds you have wasted 11–12 minutes, out of the habit or due to boredom. Calculate how many minutes or hours you do waste daily.

Remember, time is precious and the most finite resource on this planet.

3. Not Having a Visual To Do list

If you are among a few lucky ones to have proper planned work on task management systems for you at work or personal level. You might feel much productive during the day but if not make one visual To Do List. Plan it in advance, do a check or cut mark after achieving every task from it. When you will see it, you will feel a satisfaction plus it will keep you reminding how much work is still pending to finish that won’t let your mind wander and waste your time. Always keep some room for emergency tasks while you plan.

4. Finding any Missing Items

We all experienced, how hard it was to find those missing items? It could be some file in your system, you favourite gadget at home or anything else. When we can’t find it on time, we spend much time in finding it out. While just organising everything once and always putting them at their designated place will help us to get them whenever needed. You can’t imagine how time saving this would be.

5. Multitasking

We trick our mind feeling, we have done two or more things at a time by multitasking. But that is a lie, when we multitask we waste our time and reduce our efficiency. While multitasking your focus constantly shifting between tasks. Our body and mind is not meant for multitasking, that could be the reason our ancestor were keep teaching us to focus on one thing at a time. But too many distractions these days are keeping us away from focus.

6. Checking Time on Phone/ Notifications

You might feel it funny, but when you keep all the notifications “turned on” on your phone. You see any notification, you open the application and may check a few other things that take away your time. That is the reason I always wear analog watch on my wrist. I bought one smart watch and wore it for few years then analysed while wearing smart watch my focus time went down drastically. I was not able to finish the similar amount of work in almost double time. Now I have stopped using that watch and do almost double work in 1.2 x of time initial time.

7. Not Organising Your Day

You might run around as a headless chicken but that won’t help you to finish your work. It may depend on your work horizon and expansion. If you arrange a meeting at one place and next one at opposite direction, for small offices it may be okay. But for big offices or in city, you might be wasting your time in travel. Plan all your meetings of one direction at a time. If you are lucky one to have all meetings online, I would recommend you to batch similar kind of meetings at one slot.




Learning Psychology; Practicing consistency; Sharing Knowledge because "Sharing is Caring" :)