About Body Image and Embodiment


Body image and embodiment are two concepts closely related.

Body image is how we see ourselves physically, while embodiment is about how we experience the world through our bodies.

My relationship with my body image used to be a huge struggle. I spent so many years of my life uncomfortable in my own skin which led me to severe eating disorders and body dysmorphia.

I used to feel like my body was holding me back, as I kept waiting to hit a certain size/shape before taking action and do the things I wanted to do.

The perfect day never arrived.

No matter how thin or lean I was, it was never good enough. Pursuing the perfect body served as the perfect excuse NOT to live the life I wanted to live.

Embodiment is about experiencing life through our bodies, whether it’s feeling the sun on our skin or the wind in our hair. It’s about recognizing the emotional magnitude and the intelligence we hold in our cells.

For me, this has meant learning to appreciate my body for what it is and what it is capable of doing rather than just how it looks. It’s meant pushing past my self-limiting beliefs and focusing on the miracle that my body really is.

By cultivating regular embodiment practices, I’ve been able to develop an indescribable reverence for my body.

I’ve learned to be kinder to myself, my emotions and to focus on how I feel rather than how I look.

Embodiment is super empowering and is something that everyone can benefit from.

By focusing on how we experience life in our bodies, we can develop a positive and healthy relationship with ourselves, and the world around us.

Hugs feel best when you’re immersed in another person’s arm rather than in your head worrying about what you think is wrong with your body.

So let’s celebrate our bodies and all it does for us, and remember to focus on how we feel rather than just how we look.



Emi Souza - Therapist and Embodiment Coach

Helping high achieving women to self-regulate by reconnecting to their bodies, so that they can feel safe to unlock their true feminine energy and confidence.