Part -1.., Oyster and a Pearl

3 min readApr 26, 2024


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In a small town there is a boy who lives alone in a cottage. He is 22 years old. He has blue eyes, shiny black hair which suits perfectly on his fair colour. His hobbies are spending time with books and novels. He believes in true love. He works in a shopping mall to bear his expensive.

His name is Herry. He loves to sing songs. There is magic in his voice. Everyone likes to talk with him. He has a great personality by which he looks that he may belong to a high class family. But actually he has nothing, not even his own house.

Herry also sometime works in a hotel as a part time job. One day he was coming back from the hotel. It is raining so badly. Suddenly he slipped over a beautiful lady by mistake. OH YOU BOY, what is this behavior, she speaks with her soft voice but angrily. Oh Miss, Are you OK? I am really sorry, I did not see you and as there is too much water so slipped by mistake, he replies. It’s ok, she says and go away, but they don’t notice that their mobiles are exchanged.

Herry comes back to his cottage and goes to bed with his novel and a cup of tea. He is busy reading a novel, at that time the mobile phone rings. He picked up the call with his eyes on the novel. Diana! where are you my girl, there is some lady who speaks from the mobile phone. He notices the voice and replies, sorry… wrong number, I am Herry. He suddenly cut the call and continued to read the novel.

The mobile phone rings again after sometime, the same lady speaks, Diana… where are you, it’s too late darling, come back home, I know you are upset but it’s not good to stay out like this. Herry then notices the mobile phone and he realizes that his mobile phone is exchanged by the girl whom he slipped over.

He suddenly rushes to that spot and notices, the girl is standing there in a corner. Excuse me Miss, I think our mobile phones are exchanged, he says to her but low voice. Yes I know, and it’s all because of you Mister, she replies angrily. I already say sorry to you for my mistake. By the way I am Herry, Can I help you? He says softly...

Part 2 will be shared soon….




Dream 🌝 Processed it😌and Achieved👍