The ultimate VulcanForged Gods overview. (updated when needed)

Jaap NL
15 min readOct 18, 2021


Everything you need to know about VulcanForged Gods. I suggest bookmarking this page as I update this page when Vulcan decides to add/change something. Last update: 27 October 2021.

Cronus level 7 Titan and King of the Titans.

Gods play an important role in playing VulcanForged powered games. You can gain various buffs by owning a god. You can choose between Titan gods and Olympian gods. Twelve of each exist right now. All 24 gods have exactly 100 editions made. A total of 2400 gods will be released only.

Gods start at level 1. For that matter, they are baby gods, and they even look like a baby at this point. Up to you to upgrade the God and make it much more powerful. A Level 7 god is considered extremely powerful and will grant you access to limited worlds like Elysium and Tartarus to find very special and valuable NFTs. They can be powered up using XP and $LAVA. Just like Vulcanites.

Rarity of Gods

All gods are rare as all have 100 editions made. But, the demand for some of them might fluctuate based on the extraordinary powers they unleash. Also, always check if the God you want to buy from the marketplace has been upgraded already. Upgrading God can be done by feeding them $LAVA and or XP. This is permanent as long as the owner feeds it with $LAVA to maintain the level. This is why you can buy partly upgraded Gods from the marketplace.

Zeus. Level 1 Olympian and leader of the Olympian gods.

Cronus and Zeus are considered the most powerful Gods and leaders of the Olympians and Titans. Cronus is the king of the Titans, while Zeus is the leader of the Olympians. Cronus is the father of Zeus.

Default benefits

God's grant special buffs. These buffs can be applied to your in-game avatar, your game-play, or even your land! All gods share some primary and default perks. Let's summarize:

  • 10%-70% off marketplace fees for any Titan/Olympian. These are non-stackable. For example, if you have nurtured your baby Ares to level 7, you will receive a 70% discount on marketplace fees.
    The CEO announced reaching level7 will grant you a 100% discount for all marketplace fees!
  • 10% -70% extra $LAVA when $LAVA is earned by playing games. These are non-stackable. For example, if you managed to win a Berserk game you will normally receive 10 $LAVA. But, you will receive 17 $LAVA if you have a Level 7 Zeus (or any other god) attached to your wallet.
  • 10% -70% extra XP when XP is earned by playing games. These are non-stackable. For example, if you managed to win a Berserk game you will normally receive 10XP. But, you will receive 17 XP if you have a Level 7 Zeus (or any other god) attached to your wallet.
  • 10%-70% extra rewards from any staked PYR. For example, you have one plot of level 7 land in VulcanVerse, containing 1000 PYR staked. If you assign a level 7 Titan to that land, you will receive rewards like staking 1700 PYR. (N.B. Cronus and Zeus can be applied to 3 plots of land)

As you can see, owning gods can influence your passive income in a big way! It's essential to understand how these mechanics work when you start staking $PYR or playing games.

Elysium, Tartarus & Exclusive NFTs

Elysium is a separate world and part of the VulcanVerse. It is an island you have to travel to by boat or other means. It's possible to find very special NFTs on this island. This is why players are very interested in getting access. Any level 7 Olympian god will grant access to Elysium! Elysium does not contain plots you can own. It's different from the other VulcanVerse parts, for that matter. $PYR and $LAVA pits can be found on Elysium. The most sought items are the exclusive NFTs that can be found here. While walking around, you will notice wild Vulcanites are wandering freely through this world. They do not have owners. The perfect examples of the creatures you can own and level up. Please check my extensive article about Vulcanites over here.


The same applies to level 7 Titans. You will be able to visit another extraordinary world called 'Tartarus.' This is a hellish world located within the VulcanVerse. You can also find special NFTs over here like you can in Elysium.

Level up your stats

Your Titan or Olympian god will start as a baby. This is level 1. You can nurture them and feed them with $PYR and $LAVA to upgrade the God to a higher level. Each level unlocks more power!

Titan and Olympian NFTs start as babies (level 1), to 'age' them to full God mode (level 7), unlocking their full power. It would be best if you nurtured them. You have to sacrifice both $PYR and $LAVA to your God.

Let's sum up the sacrifice you have to make:

50 $PYR and 50 $LAVA to level 2
100 $PYR and 100 $LAVA to level 3
200 $PYR and 200 $LAVA to level 4
300 $PYR and 300 $LAVA to level 5
400 $PYR and 400 $LAVA to level 6
600 $PYR and 600 $LAVA to level 7

In total: 1650 $PYR and 1650 $LAVA to reach level 7.

  • When upgrading, you have to feed the $PYR and $LAVA. The growing process will start. This will take 20 days to reach the next level. At the end of the 20 days, your God will be fully leveled up.
  • To make sure god owners are real gamers, you need to keep your leveled-up God active by feeding $LAVA to the God. By playing actively, you will keep your God level.
  • If you become inactive, your god degrades. This happens if you missed a $LAVA payment for 20 days. (20 days is equal to 1 level) If this happens, you need to upgrade the god if this is your wish. You don't have to pay the $PYR fee as you already did previously. You do have to pay the $LAVA fee again and wait 20 days to upgrade for each level.

N.B. 50% of all PYR used for upgrading will flow into the Vulcan reward pool. The $PYR can be earned by staking $PYR inside your land plot(s).

Gods are independent

As gods cover the whole ecosystem, they are independent regarding the level of your avatar. You can, if you wish upgrade your god to level 7 right away. The buffs and abilities can be used even if your avatar is level 1. As the god system is totally independent of avatar levels.

Gods overview. The Olympians.

Zeus. Level 7 Olympian and leader of the Olympian gods.


King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, and justice.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10% -100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (3 plots)
Access to Elysium at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: 6 October at 3165 $PYR


God of the seas, water, storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, and horses.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10% -100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7
Increase Fishing success rate 10%-70%
Increase Vulcanite Foraging at ocean plots 10% -70%
Ability to walk on water (rivers) at level 7
Allow Sea Travel between Arcadia and Notus (by boat)

Latest marketplace sell: 3 October at 1100 $PYR


Ares was the ancient Greek God of war or, more appropriately, the spirit of battle. He represented the distasteful aspects of brutal warfare and slaughter. Ares was never very popular, and his worship was not extensive in Greece.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7
All Vulcanites in (V.V.) Attack increase 10%-70%
Weapon item power increase 10%-70%
Recharge time of Vulcanite decrease 10% -70%
The chance of finding WEAPON items by foraging increases 10%-70%

Latest marketplace sell: 1 October at 1325 $PYR


God of speed and travel, Messenger of the Gods, Son of Zeus and Maia.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7
V.V. Avatar Speed increase 10%-70%
V.V. Land sowing time decreased 10%-70%
Recharge time of Vulcanites decrease 10%-70%
Can trade outside of Vulcan City (Matching levels)

Latest marketplace sell: 23 August at 3000 $PYR


God of healing, poetry and music, leader of Muses and prophecy.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: 26 August at 1499 $PYR


God of healing, poetry and music, leader of Muses and prophecy.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10% -100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: 13 July at 3999 $PYR


Demeter, in Greek religion, is the daughter of the deities Cronus and Rhea, sister and consort of Zeus (the king of the gods), and Goddess of agriculture. Her name indicates that she is a mother. … The legend centers on her daughter Persephone, who is carried off by Hades, the God of the underworld.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7
Seed sow speed increase 10%-70%
Access to additional Vegetation assets
Foraging time of Vulcanites decrease 10%-70%
Chance of finding SEED by foraging increase 10%-70%

Latest marketplace sell: no data


Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess associated with love, beauty, pleasure, passion, and procreation.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10% — 100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7
Recharge time of Vulcanite decrease 10% — 70%
Avatar Glowing effect 10% — 70%
Access to Fantasy Flower assets
Avatar Customization weekly. Unlimited for level 7

Latest marketplace sell: 27 August at 1400 $PYR


Athena is the Goddess of War and Wisdom. She is also the adored patroness of the city of Athens. A virgin deity, she was also — somewhat paradoxically — associated with peace and handicrafts, wildly spinning and weaving.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7

Latest marketplace sell: 23 September at 4000 $PYR


Dionysos is the God of the grape harvest, winemaking, and wine, of fertility. Orchards and fruit, vegetation, insanity, ritual madness, and festivity.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7

Latest marketplace sell: 22 May at 2500 $PYR


Goddess of the Moon and wild animals, the hunt and chastity and childbirth. Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Leto and the twin sister of Apollo.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7

Latest marketplace sell: 6 October at 2750 $PYR


Daughter of Cronus and Rhea, Goddess of the hearth, family, and home.
Editions: 100
Olympian God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Elysium at Level 7

Latest marketplace sell: 20 October at 1000 $PYR

Gods overview. The Titans.


Cronus is the King of the Titanes and the God of time, particularly when viewed as a destructive, all-devouring force. He ruled the cosmos during the Golden Age after castrating and deposing his father, Uranus.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10% -100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (3 plots)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: 17 October at 2800 $PYR


Hyperion is a Titan who presided over heavenly light and represented wisdom and watchfulness. Son of Uranus and Gaia.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
V.V. Avatar Speed Increase at peak daytime 10%-70%
Increase exploring Lava generation 10%-70%
Avatar Fire effect 10%-70%
Increase Vulcanite Foraging at Thanatos plots 10%-70%

Latest marketplace sell: 21 October at 1400 $PYR


Coeus is the God of the North, the Titan of Resolve & Intelligence, and the embodiment of the celestial axis.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
Spy increase 10%-70%
Chance of foraging SCROLL FRAGMENT increases 10%-70%
Ability to see other Vuclanite stats
Ability to see other Avatar Stats

Latest marketplace sell: 14 October at 1000 $PYR


Crius was a Titan god of heavenly constellations & known as a Pillar of the south pole. Crius refers to the starting season of the Greek year.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
Avatar Star effect 10%-70%
Increase Lava generation at night 10%-70%
Increase Vulcanite Stamina and Foraging at night 10%-70%
Chance of foraging Rare/Mythic materials increases 10%-70%

Latest marketplace sell: 21 August at 1487 $PYR


Iapetus is one of the four pillars that hold the heavens and the earth, brother of Coeus, Crius, and Hyperion. God of mortality and craftsmanship, known as 'The Piercer.'
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: no data.


Son of Uranus and Gaia, the father of the river gods, the Oceanids, and the great river, encircles the entire world.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: 16 September at 1320 $PYR


Daughter of Gaya, Sister of Cronus, Mother of Zeus, and the Goddess of all Olympians, fertility, and comfort.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: 3 July at 3499 $PYR


Daughter of Uranus and Gaia, wife of Oceanus, Goddess of the rivers, and now the River Goddess of VulcanVerse.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: 8 July at 2850 $PYR


Known as the mother of the sun and light, and daughter of Uranus and Gaia.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: no data


Goddess Of Law, Order & Justice. Goddess of wisdom and the interpreter of the God's will.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: 23 September at 2250 $PYR


Goddess Of Memory. Daughter of Uranus. According to Hesiod, the mother (by Zeus) of the nine Muses. She gave birth to the nine Muses after Zeus went to Pieria and stayed with her for nine consecutive nights.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: no data


Goddess Of Intellect & Prophecy. By the Titan Coeus, she was the mother of Leto and grandmother of Apollo and Artemis.
Editions: 100
Titan God

Game Buffs & abilities:
Marketplace fee discount 10%-100%
10% up to 70% extra $LAVA from playing games
10% up to 70% extra XP from playing games
10% up to 70% extra rewards from staked $PYR (1 plot)
Access to Tartarus at Level 7
More to be announced!

Latest marketplace sell: 11 October at 2750 $PYR

Create a VulcanForged account right now.

You can create your account here:
Using the link provided, you and I will be awarded some free $LAVA worth $10 in total at the time of writing! You need 100XP to claim the $LAVA. I recommend playing some Berserk games using your new account to gain XP. A great tutorial about claiming your free money can be found here!


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Jaap NL

Crypto for dummies writer. I publish easy-to-read articles about crypto-related projects. NFT specialist. Might add some humor and sarcasm ;-)