“Is The World on The Brink of Another Major Recession?”

Jackline Achieng onura
3 min readMar 31, 2023


During a recession, businesses experience a decrease in demand, leading to reduced profits and increased layoffs. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in consumer confidence, as people become more cautious with their spending. Governments often respond to recessions by implementing expansionary monetary and fiscal policies, such as lowering interest rates, increasing government spending, or providing tax breaks, to stimulate the economy and create jobs.

Top Five Signs That May Indicate The World Is Undergoing a Recession

1. Negative GDP growth: A decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) across multiple countries for at least two consecutive quarters signifies a contraction in economic activity, which is the primary indicator of a recession.

2. Rising unemployment rates: As businesses cut back on production and investments, they may lay off workers to reduce costs. An increase in unemployment rates around the world suggests a decline in economic growth and a potential recession.

3. Decreased consumer spending: A decline in consumer confidence and spending, evidenced by lower retail sales, is a strong indicator of a recession. Reduced consumer demand can trigger a vicious cycle, as businesses are forced to reduce production, lay off workers, and cut back on investments.

4. Falling stock markets: A global drop in stock market indices can be a sign of an impending recession. Declining stock prices reflect reduced investor confidence in the growth prospects of companies and the overall economy.

5. Slowdown in global trade: A decrease in international trade, marked by reduced import and export volumes, can be indicative of a global economic downturn. This slowdown may result from reduced consumer and business spending, as well as decreased demand for goods and services.

It is therefore important for individuals and businesses to take various steps to survive an economic recession because recessions can have severe financial consequences. By taking the following steps, individuals and businesses can mitigate the financial impact and avoid potential bankruptcy or closure. Moreover, surviving an economic recession can also position individuals and businesses to thrive in the eventual economic recovery.

Here Are Some Measures That Can Be Taken to Survive an Economic Recession

1. Prioritizing spending: It’s essential to prioritize spending during an economic downturn. Cut back on non-essential expenses and focus on the necessities, such as food, rent/mortgage payments, and utilities.

2. Creating an emergency fund: Start building an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses or a loss of income. This can help individuals and businesses stay afloat during difficult times.

3. Diversifying income streams: Businesses can diversify their income streams by exploring new markets or developing new products/services. Individuals can consider taking on side jobs or freelancing to supplement their income.

4. Reducing debt: During a recession, it’s crucial to pay down high-interest debt to reduce financial strain. Individuals and businesses can also consider refinancing loans to reduce their interest rates.

5. Seeking financial advice: It’s essential to seek professional financial advice during a recession to make informed decisions. Financial advisors can help individuals and businesses create a recession-proof financial plan and navigate the economic downturn.

While it is important to be cautious, it is essential to note that economic indicators should be evaluated collectively and in their proper context to determine if the world is experiencing a recession. It is worth noting that multiple factors can impact economic indicators, and a single sign may not conclusively indicate a recession. Therefore, it is necessary to approach data analysis with expertise and a comprehensive view to make precise assessments of the global economic condition.

