Election 2024

Democrats Need To Be More Like Republicans.

Republicans know how to keep people in line, Democrats don’t.

Jade Thea Kleeh
3 min readJul 7, 2024

Republicans know how to keep a tight ship, there was opposition, sure, Nikki Haley got close, won DC and Vermont in the primaries but since then, the party has unified behind Trump. They did the same in 2020 and in 2016, after the primaries, the party united. All critics of Trump quieted down, even his harshest critics have stopped, not necessarily a sign of endorsement but rather acceptance. Whereas in 2016, the Democratic party failed to rally behind Hillary Clinton and lost the election (something I wrote about here).

Nikki Haley at a campaign rally (From: Politico)

Biden’s critics from inside his party dwarf Trump’s, everyday there are new calls for him to step down within the party. Now, if there were disagreements between two factions, perhaps a more progressive and a moderate then it would be a separate issue but instead, it is a disagreement between seemingly every branch and person within the party. This is a party-wide matter. Whether it’s with the members of the Democratic party or the leadership thereof there is a clear problem. Biden will lose this election if his party cannot rally behind him, no matter how bad the debate performance or how many senior moments there are.

The Democratic party went into full freakout mode after the debate and while a freakout was semi-warranted, the scale of it was not. Everyone knew Biden was old, the internet and half the news is plastered with videos of it and headlines akin to: “Biden has ANOTHER senior moment on world stage, shows signs of DEMENTIA”. While some of these videos are doctored, I’m looking at you New York Post, too many are not and it’s too late to change that. Biden has dropped in the polls only on the national level, with Democrats, not independents. In fact, Morning Consult has him up by 3+ points in Michigan and Wisconsin. Just like everyone knew Trump was some sort of criminal and refused to acknowledge it — everyone knows Biden is old and has senior moments. Sean Trende, a senior analyst for RCP put it best:

“With any other candidacy, [Trump’s convictions] would be a death knell. But with Trump, this is all baked in. Everyone knows he’s a bit ethically challenged. […] They don’t care much. This analysis was basically correct. […] overall, very little changed in the race. […] They’ve seen the videos of [Biden] mumbling before, stuck on stage, frozen, or seeming to wander around. What if that, too, is all baked in?” — Sean Trende

Most Democrats don’t even want Biden in the Whitehouse anymore, they just want Trump out, however they realised far too late that Biden might not be the best person to ensure this. Any other candidate would have needed to be groomed and prepared for years because, right now, everyone is either too old or too young (and Michelle Obama said no). The latest a major candidate has been willingly replaced was LBJ on March 31st and the DNC is 98 days too late. Also, LBJ’s party, and the Democrats, lost that election, and while the past doesn’t perfectly apply the present, it can act as a guide. Right now that guide is saying that unless it’s a really great candidate, it’s too late.

President Biden (From: NBC)

Democrats can either swim with Biden or sink, questioning him. They need to unite behind him because extremism like Trump, thrives on disunity, that’s what elected him in 2016 and what kept him out of office in 2020, in 2024 it will decide the election and if some analysts are to be believed: the fate of the United States of America.

If you liked this article you may like my other articles on the 2024 election, like: The Republican party’s fatal national miscalculation. or RFK Jr can’t seem to decide if he is a real candidate. If you liked or were at least intrigued by my writing or perspective, consider following or see more stories of mine below. All support is greatly appreciated.

