A fine alpine tradition: the Jagdabzeichen

2 min readMay 20, 2024


Hunting badges are badges awarded to hunters in Germany and Austria to recognize their successes, skills and qualifications in the field of hunting. These badges can be awarded by hunting owners, hunting tenants, hunting organisations, associations or state authorities. Traditionally, these badges are worn on a hunting hat.

Ridinger Jagdabzeichen

The origin of hunting badges is interesting. For many centuries, hunting was denied to most people and only a privilege of the nobility. This changed with the so-called ‘Austrian Imperial Hunting Law’ of 1849, in which the young Emperor Franz Josef I issued a new hunting patent, which now also authorized private hunting as well as communal and cooperative hunting.

An important aim was to encourage responsible behavior and in consequence protect the game population. This origin story still plays a major role to this present day.

Hubert Count Voikffy described these badges in his memoirs as follows: “Someone had the good idea to have a small symbol of his family or his place of residence, decorated with hunting motifs made. This was to be worn on his hat as a means to honor his hunting friends. It is a small, simple symbol of togetherness, a nice, touching idea that naturally spread immediately and is particularly popular here in Austria today. Every hunter is happy about the simple arrangement and holds it in honour.”

Hunting badges are generally rather plain in appearance. They are usually simple badges, but they can be of outstanding craftsmanship.

Since the monarchy, there have been jewelers who have specialized in hunting motifs and jewelery. Nowadays, there is an endless variety of hunting badges, which can essentially be categorized into badges for:

Special functions, e.g. professional hunter, hunting warden, dog handler, hunting tenant, hunting horn player, etc. Merits, memberships, origin and various achievements.

Hunting badges help to remind hunters of their role as conservationists and guardians of the environment, while honoring the traditions and skills of hunting.

In the Alpine regions of Austrianand Germany hunting is an artform that few have mastered. It is not just a craft, but a philosophy of life. These hunters live and honor century old traditions, and commission such Jagdabzeichen from specialized jewelers.

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