10 Laws of Nature Cure I wish I had known earlier

Divya Jain
5 min readJun 6, 2022


Nature cure is the cheapest and easiest way of treatment I have ever come across. As seen in the previous article, it is the way of living a healthy life. Here I am telling you the ten basic principles of naturopathy to maintain good health and live a long healthy life full of joy.

1. All diseases are the same, their causes are the same and their treatment is the same.

Foreign matter or waste matter present in the human body leads to several diseases known by different names.

Four people living in a house leading an unnatural life might have four different diseases based on their age, nature, etc. However, the cause of diseases remains the same: accumulation of foreign matter in the body.

The treatment is also the same: removal of foreign matter from the body by enhancing the vital force through fasting/ light diet, enema, etc.

2. Germs don’t cause the disease.

The disease germs can only be present in those bodies that have foreign matter and which can accept disease germs. However, in those bodies which have nutritious matter & are free from foreign matter, they can not be attacked by germs as per nature cure. Even if germs entered the healthy body, they would be destroyed by the defense power of the body.

Germs are not the cause of disease but the disease is the cause of germs.

3. Acute illness is not an enemy but a friend.

What we call disease is actually treatment by nature.

The body expels waste every day through the lungs, skin, intestines, and kidneys. If this foreign matter doesn't go out of the body due to some reason, it causes disease.

If nature wants to clean the stomach full of foreign matter, it may cause vomiting or loose motions.

When we fall sick, we should pay attention to our mistakes. If the foreign matter remained in the body and our wrong way of life continued, there would be a great calamity and even death. Therefore, we should not be afraid of disease, we should welcome it.

4. Nature itself is a doctor.

We have a ‘vital force’ in our body that takes care of our health. It brings out illness when required and brings health again.

This life force brings about all the activities of internal organs. It removes physical as well as mental ailments.

For example, when drinking water goes into our windpipe, we cough and the water is expelled out. When we are injured, our wounds are healed automatically in some days.

The body itself cures a disease.

5. Treatment is not of a particular disease but of the entire body of the patient.

If there is a headache, medicine should not be given for the headache but treatment should be given to the digestive system which has become defective, of the blood loaded with toxic substances and of the whole body. Then headache will go away by itself.

6. Diagnosis of the disease is not necessary

As the patient is treated with nature cure and not the disease, there is no question of expensive diagnosis where one has to spend a lot of money.

For treatment, the nature cure practitioner has to see in which part of the body the foreign matter has accumulated: Front, back, sides, or the entire body.

In the allopathic system of medicine, the doctors gain knowledge by dissecting the dead bodies while nature cure practitioners observe living persons.

7. It takes time to cure a patient suffering from chronic ailments

Patients take refuge in nature cure when they have been disappointed by other systems of medicine. Due to this, they are not only suffering from the disease but also the effect of poison of medicines.

The nature cure practitioner has not only to treat the real disease but also remove the poison of the medicines which have been given. It may take months to remove the poison, sometimes years.

In nature cure, the object of cure is not only the removal of ailment but to gain full health and start a renewed life.

All the process in nature takes place slowly. It is easy to cut a tree in a few minutes but it takes years for a seed to turn into a tree.

8. Suppressed diseases come to the surface through nature cure.

In other systems of medicine in which drugs are given, the diseases are suppressed while in nature cure, the suppressed diseases are brought to the surface and removed permanently.

In treatment of chronic ailments, when vital force increases through nature cure, it throws out suppressed disease in reverse order. The disease appears in full force for a few days which is called healing or curative crisis.

It is seen that it takes 7 days or multiple of 7 days for nature to bring a disease to surface.

One should not panic when curative crisis appears. Those who have taken large quantities of medicines undergo severe curative crisis as compared to those who did not take strong medicines.

9. Simultaneous treatment of body, mind and soul

Nature cure gives more importance to mental health than to physical health and greatest importance to willpower or soul force.

In good health, one should feel the joy and bliss of life. The natural life in which food habits and daily routine is in harmony with nature uplifts us and makes our life “satvik”.

10. No strong medicines should be given to the patient during treatment

In nature cure, the disease is regarded to be caused by inside factors, not by outside factors. Therefore, when our body becomes sick it doesn't need any outside medicine. All that is needed is to adopt the natural ways by which we can keep ourselves healthy.

Those medicines which are poisonous & harmful to our body when it is healthy, how can they be helpful to the body when it is sick.

As per nature cure, all the life-giving substances are medicines such as air water, sunshine, fruits, vegetables and herbs that can be taken as food.

What’s Next?

In the next article, we will see the properties of five elements used in nature cure treatment. Stay tuned for a healthy life.

Reference Book: Science of Natural Life, Dr. Rakesh Jindal

