Nature Cure: An Introduction

Divya Jain
4 min readMay 16, 2022



  • What is Naturopathy?
  • Science of Natural Healing
  • How did medicines come into practice?
  • History of Nature cure in India
  • Reasons for the diminishing influence of Nature cure
  • Important points to know about Nature cure

What is Naturopathy?

  • The right way of living or the art of attaining a long, healthy, and blissful life is naturopathy.
  • It is also known as Nature cure and Naturotherapy.
  • It tells us how to live naturally.
  • It tells what to eat, drink, and when. It teaches how to sleep and relax.
  • When a living being follows the rules of nature, it never falls sick.

Science of Natural Healing

Every day nature removes foreign matter from our body through stool, urine, sweat, and breath.

The disease is nature’s effort to eliminate morbid matter from our body so that health can be restored.

We must not suppress outward symptoms of a disease like high temperature or loose motions but cooperate with nature to eliminate morbid matter from the body.

It is better to spend the hard-earned money on nutritious food instead of on expensive medicines and injections.

According to nature care, the three primary stages of the disease are:

  1. Lowered vitality
  2. Abnormal composition of blood and lymph
  3. Accumulation of foreign matter in the system

Seven elements used in naturopathy to restore the health of a patient are:

  1. Ether(Akash)
  2. Air
  3. Sun/ Fire
  4. Water
  5. Earth
  6. Diet
  7. Ram Naam (God)

How did medicines come into practice?

The science of nature cure is as old as nature itself.

In ancient times, no system of medicines was in practice. Whenever people became unwell, they fasted to regain health.

The use of medicines started with the period of Ravan.

Ravan led a life of indulgence. He used to drink alcoholic drinks and could not follow the rules of nature cure like fasting. Therefore, he ordered vaidyas(doctors) that they search for a way by which on falling sick one did not have to fast.

The vaidyas searched and brought medicinal herbs which on being boiled in water produced a concoction that acted as medicine to cure various diseases.

After that general public also started using medicines as it was simple. But the use of medicines deteriorated the health of people.

Medicines do not cure disease but only suppress them.

History of Nature cure in India

Nature cure was introduced back in India with the translation of Louis Kuhne’s book “New Science of Healing” into several languages. This book influenced many people to take an interest in Kuhne’s treatment system.

Father of Nation, Mahatma Gandhi was deeply influenced by Adolf Just’s book “Return to Nature”. He used nature cure on himself as well as on his family members and ashram members. Besides writing many articles on nature cures in his weekly journals, he also established a nature cure hospital in Urli Kanchan, Pune(Which is run even now).

Father of Nature cure: Hypocrates.

Reasons for the diminishing influence of Nature cure

  1. People want quick results. They go to a doctor, and take a few pills and the disease is suppressed for the time being.
  2. The convenience of taking medicines is another reason people don’t want to follow the rules of nature cure. In nature cure, one will have to fast, take enema, mud bath, etc. to get healthy again.
  3. The encouragement given to medicines by the government is more than that to nature cure.
  4. Once someone takes medicines, they become habitual to it. Their life force weakens and they cannot withstand natural treatment now.
  5. Modern advertising has influenced the minds of people to take medicines. Less people are aware of the ancient treatment system of India, i.e. naturopathy.

Important points to know about Nature cure

  • All diseases are caused by the accumulation of foreign matter in the body and the slowing down of the digestive system.
  • To eat more than required is the root cause of diseases.
  • A disease can be cured by taking the right food, and if the right food is not taken even hundreds of medicines will have no effect.
  • There is no place for surgery or any operation in nature cure.
  • All diseases can be cured by the application of five elements — ether, air, sun, water, and earth, out of which our body is made.

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Next article:

Reference Book: Science of Natural Life, Dr. Rakesh Jindal

