My Science Fiction Story TV Series Style

Continuing with Episodes 13–24

Jasmine Aguilar
3 min readApr 30, 2023
Current cover image of my sci-fi story, author image

I am working on a serialized science fiction suspense story that I’ve been publishing over on Kindle Vella.

In short, Vella is a platform for readers and writers of serialized fiction and non fiction. The first 3 episodes are always free and after that an episode costs tokens. The minimum is 600 words which cost 6 tokens. 700 costs 7, and 1,000 costs 10 and so forth.

As of the publication of this article, I currently have 32 episodes published.

Previously, I wrote out the first 12 episodes in a TV series format. I will be continuing with the next 12 episodes.

You can find episodes 1–12 TV series style to this here:


Episode 13: “Let Your Passion Take Control”

After Donovan has some second thoughts, Dr. Maddox persuades Donovan to follow through and take the required test to get into Insight; Donovan begins his own way of studying for the test by using the info vaults.

Episode 14: “The Impossible Test”

Donovan soon realizes that this test is not like any other he’s ever experienced and proves to be far more challenging than he could have…



Jasmine Aguilar

Interested in the influence of pop culture, society, and anything intriguing. My sci fi novel in progress: