Expanding your social media reach

Medium Tips that Turbocharged My LinkedIn Posts

Lessons that worked for me in boosting views

James Bellerjeau
5 min readNov 24, 2022


Two LinkedIn posts — left showing blue-skinned woman, right showing bell curve with employee performance
LinkedIn posts that had high traffic — Screenshots © James Bellerjeau

I came across two great Medium articles describing LinkedIn success factors. They were I Got 17,000 LinkedIn Followers in 4 Weeks (thanks Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi!) and This Headhunter Has Nailed LinkedIn Virality Twice in 7 Days (thanks Scott Stockdale!).

Besides the shout-out, I want to say specifically what tips of theirs I used, as well as a few others they didn’t mention that you might find helpful.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi Tips I Used

  • Use photos because people are visual
  • Take plenty of space and encourage users to click on “see more”
  • Be fresh with new content
  • Engage by responding to comments
  • Don’t be boring
  • Add a call-to-action

The most effective photos are of the author themselves. I didn’t go that route because I was writing about Twitter and Elon Musk’s decision to fire many employees.

But I still managed to find an interesting picture of a blue face for my first post. In my second post, I created my own colorful graph showing an…



James Bellerjeau

Mechanic of the human soul. I channel Seneca and Machiavelli at unpredictable intervals