Hunt says Skidmore is ‘wrong’ on North Sea oil and gas | I say Skidmore’s resignation is the only honour we’ve seen from the Conservatives in years

3 min readJan 7, 2024


Sunak concludes COP 27 isn’t worth attending.

The party repeal the net zero target by 2050.

Even Karmer’s u-turned on his commitment to a £28bn ‘green prosperity plan’.

Skidmore is the only honourable MP caring for our climate, and now he’s being thrown under the bus.

In 2014, David Cameron blamed the previous Labour party for flooding.

Every year since, flooding has got worse.

Around the world, wild fires ravage land and everything in its path.

We see mudslides destroying whole villages.

Ice mass melting at alarming speed.

And our government signs new contracts to expand the North Sea oil and gas fields, continuing a fossil fuel economy which contributes to the very cause of catastrophic climate change around the world.

In his statement, Hunt infers Skidmore is short-sighted in his view.

Yet, it is the British government who is short-sighted in their view.

I do not denounce Hunt’s comments that oil and gas produced domestically is a cleaner source of fuel than that imported.

What I do denounce is their continued lack of drive to develop a green industry which sets to replace fossil fuels for our nation.

British oil and gas will provide energy security, but where is their plan for sustainable energy security?

The party will rally on their efforts to have achieved domestically produced energy, without having innovated for its sustainability.

And our ‘British sense of security’ will leave us waddling along, believing, as ever, everything is just tickety-boo.

Wrapped in our entitled, cotton-wool lives, refusing to glimpse at the very real risks speeding towards us like a once upon a time HS2 train.

They will lock us into the very cycle which has brought our planet to its aging knees.

Where is their drive?

Where is their determination?

In the last two years, we’ve seen more policy for extraction of oil and gas than we have to promote inward investment of green industry.

And we’ve seen more headlines for funding of flooded homes, than we have for funding to prevent flooded homes.

This tory party has proven they’re nothing but reactive, in a rapidly changing world where we need leaders being proactive.

They’re operating ten steps behind, bumbling along like Boris, wondering why their whitewash policies don’t prop them up in polling.

Their views are outdated.

Their policies antiquated.

And they lack the necessary foresight to build a Britain that remains competitive in the modern world.

You say Skidmore is wrong, Hunt, but his one act has more honour than your entire party of the last four years.

Although you wanted to sidestep your Portillo moment, you can rest assured your party has already had its Portillo moment.


anti-clickbait content writer

I write about humans’ potential to activate peak performance

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