Dating In Different Cultures — Must Read For Adventurous Singles

James Anthony
3 min readJun 18, 2024


From the streets of Kyiv to the beaches of Bali, every corner of the globe has its own unique approach to love and relationships. As an international dating coach, I’ve helped countless clients navigate the thrilling (and sometimes hilarious) differences between cultures. Get your knowledge on, son — and maybe even find your perfect match along the way!

Dating In Different Cultures

Ukrainian Romance: Chivalry, Beauty, and Traditional Values

In Ukraine, dating is a beautiful blend of old-school chivalry and modern-day romance.

  • Chivalry is key — men are expected to open doors, carry bags, and pay for dates
  • Beauty is celebrated — Ukrainian women take great pride in their appearance
  • Traditional gender roles are respected — men are seen as protectors and providers
  • Family values are important — Ukrainians cherish close-knit family bonds

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Chinese Courtship: Filial Piety, Marriage Mindset, and Digital Dating

In China, dating is a family-oriented affair with a focus on marriage and filial duty.

  • Filial piety is paramount — respect for parents and elders is a must
  • Marriage is the end goal — casual dating is less common than in the West
  • Parental approval is crucial — your date’s folks have a big say in your relationship
  • Digital dating is booming — apps like Tantan and Momo are hugely popular

📝 Related Article: Chinese Dating Customs: Plenty of Love and Tradition

Czech Romance: Equality, Directness, and Pub Culture

Czech dating culture is all about equality, straight-talking, and laid-back pub vibes.

  • Gender equality is the norm — women are independent and expect to be treated as equals
  • Directness is appreciated — Czechs value honesty and don’t play games
  • Pub culture is key — meeting for beers is a classic Czech courting ritual
  • Chivalry is optional — holding doors or paying for dates isn’t always expected

Italian Passion: Charm, Romance, and Delicious Cuisine

Italian dating culture is a feast for the senses — think charm, romance, and mouthwatering meals.

  • Charm is a way of life — Italians have a natural flair for flirtation and seduction
  • Romance is everywhere — from moonlit walks to impromptu serenades
  • Food is love — sharing a delicious meal is a cornerstone of Italian courtship
  • Family ties are strong — your date’s mother might just become your biggest fan

Colombian Warmth: Passion, Dance, and Expressive Love

In Colombia, dating is an exuberant expression of passion, dance, and unabashed affection.

  • Passion runs deep — Colombians love with intensity and aren’t afraid to show it
  • Dance is a love language — from salsa to reggaeton, moving together is a must
  • Expressive affection is the norm — expect plenty of hugs, kisses, and sweet nothings
  • Family is fundamental — your date’s loved ones will play a big role in your relationship

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Mexican Passion: Family, Chivalry, and Lively Romance

Mexican dating culture is a vibrant tapestry of family, chivalry, and zesty passion.

  • Family comes first — your date’s relatives will be a central part of your life together
  • Chivalry is not dead — men are expected to be attentive and protective of their partners
  • Romance is lively — from mariachi serenades to spontaneous dancing in the street
  • Celebrations are grand — birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays are joyful family affairs

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But before you book that plane ticket and start swiping on foreign dating apps, let’s get real for a sec. Navigating the wild world of cross-cultural love takes more than just a phrasebook and a sense of adventure. It requires a respectful attitude, and a willingness to learn from your mistakes (trust me, you’ll make a few). Together, we’ll level up your dating game and help you find the international love of your dreams.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date with a plate of spaghetti and a cute Italian to charm. Ciao for now, lovebirds!

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James Anthony

My name is James Anthony! For the past three years, I’ve been creating dating solutions and giving relationship advice to women and men all over the world.