Step-dad submits to his desires (Part 4)

Christian JA
14 min readJun 13, 2024


Continuing from Part 3. To start from the beginning, click here.

Anna left for a work trip that day. She would be in Amsterdam for two days and had been teasing me for weeks about how she’s going to have a “lot of fun” but how I would “see the videos”. The usual teasing dirty talk that I was used to.

Being left alone in the house with Michelle made me nervous. She had been so flirty with me over the last month, that visions of her were etched in my brain. She was entering my mind when I fucked my wife and I had to start going to the bathroom multiple times a day on the weekends, just to relieve my frustration. I needed to stop but I couldn’t. ‘I wonder if she will make it awkward? Will she avoid me?’

After Anna had left for the airport, I sat at the kitchen table reading the news and hearing some music coming from Michelle’s room. I heard her footsteps skipping down the stairs and coming along the corridor. She was wearing a baggy t shirt and some leggings. “Morning daddy”, she kissed me on the cheek and the smell of her perfume hit me.

“Morning sweetie. Did you sleep okay?” I asked as she opened a kitchen cupboard.

“Well, I was sleeping pretty well until I heard some noises..”, she responded as she raised an eyebrow. I looked down at the newspaper, trying to think of a response. I could feel my heartbeat and my forehead started to sweat. “Pretty loud actually. So I went into the corridor..”, I looked at her. “And I took a peek into your bedroom. Surprised you didn’t see me”, Michelle smiled.

“You can’t do that Michelle! I’m sorry we didn’t close the door, but you shouldn’t look. You’re invading our privacy!”, the only thing I could do was put some blame on her. I was fighting every urge to go over to her. She looked so innocent and and curious, but it felt like there were hidden intentions. “This is the second time as well!”, I raised my voice.

“Firstly, if you keep the door open, that’s not my fault. Secondly, if you’re so angry.. why don’t you punish me… daddy? I mean, isn’t that what you were doing last night?”, she said with a pout.

She clearly thought of me as nervous and somewhat awkward. Little did she know how I would treat her if I could do what I wanted; how I would own her holes, how I would instruct her to spread her legs and show me her pretty little cunt before I tasted her, how I could tie her to the bed and edge her whilst punishing her for being a little flirt, using her toys that she left out on her bed.

“Michelle, I don’t know what you’re doing but you need to stop”

“Didn’t she call you that too? Did you make her do that.. daddy?”, she pressed her small breasts together to show me how hard her nipples were.

“No, it’s just.. it’s… it’s just a sex thing. There is nothing else to it, okay? You shouldn’t be seeing any of this. You’re too young” I was stuttering. How did she somehow hold the power in this scenario. I was close to breaking.

“So you weren’t thinking about me when you came all over her daddy? It’s just a sex thing? Did that make you cum harder? Is that why when you saw me when you were on the sofa, you held my gaze when you came inside her?”, the line had been crossed. Her questions were leading and she knew what she was doing. ‘I can’t believe she’s trying to seduce me’ I thought to myself. The two halves of my brain fought each other. The animalistic lust was burning, the sensible, logical side of me was stuttering out words and trying to put water on the fire. It wasn’t working.

“Michelle, I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but this is wrong. You know you’re my step daughter and I… I can’t.. you know that this is wrong. I’m with your mother. You need to stop”

“Do I? She looks like me though doesn’t she daddy. And I’m not too young.. I am learning. Did you see my toys? I’m sure you have..”

“Michelle. Stop”

“..I’m not doing anything? I’m just saying that although I am a virgin, I have had that big black vibrator inside my pussy daddy. I think I know what to do”

“Oh fuck Michelle”, my barriers broke. She had me.

“Yeah, I usually use the black one inside my pussy and the little one on my clit. Is that the right way to do it? You can teach me if you want daddy… you look like you know what you’re doing..”

“Michelle, I… I can’t. I.. this is wrong”, I plead but I know what is about to happen. Michelle walks over to me and sits on the chair to the left of me. Her hands runs up the inside of my thigh and she feels my throbbing cock inside my work trousers.

“See, you’re hard again aren’t you daddy? I felt it against my back the other day and I made such a mess in my panties after that massage”, her small hand was running slowly over the shaft of my cock.

“Oh fuck, Michelle please, we can’t..”

“But I want to learn daddy. Can’t you just do this one thing for me? You look so good at it.. and I think you deserve my Virgin pussy. Don’t you?”

I pushed myself back on my chair and put my hands under her arms, lifting her like a child and placing her on my lap. “Fuck, come here princess”. She immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and started to grind as we kissed for the first time. Her lips were so soft; more plump than her mothers too. Her smell was intoxicating, I kissed her deeply; our tongues exploring each other as she let out soft moans. I was gentle with her. She was a virgin. I needed to show her everything and it couldn’t be rough. I had the control I wanted. “Listen baby, you can’t tell anyone okay?”, she nodded as she grabbed my cheeks and continued to kiss me.

“I won’t I promise. I’ve already made such a mess in my panties daddy, can you help me? Please I need it”

“Of course baby, let’s take you upstairs” I placed my hands under her arse and could feel the wet patch as I picked her up. We stood in that moment as time stopped. She was fully gripped around me as we continued to kiss each other before I carried her into the corridor. “I’m going to treat you like such a princess”, I said as we went upstairs.

I carried her over to her bed and laid her down, her arms still gripped around my neck as she clung to me. I kissed her neck, my passion taking over as my hands explored her body fervently, making sure I left her pussy alone for now. She was pulling me in, almost desperate to rub herself against my crotch where my cock was pressed against my trousers. I lifted her top off, revealing her pert, small tits. I worked my way from her neck to her tits, rolling my tongue around her hard nipples, noticing goosebumps as my hands ran up the side of her body. The light from her bedroom window caught her face and I took a moment to appreciate how beautiful she was; her brown eyes were concentrating on me and she looked full of anticipation.

“Oh daddy. Teach me everything”, she said letting out soft moans in between our kisses. “I’ll do everything you say. I’ll be such a good girl”. I had to use all the discipline and composure I had to not just rip her panties off and use her little cunt after hearing her talk like that. I ran my hand up her inner thigh as I stroked her hair and kissed her, holding eye contact. As my fingers ran over her mound, it was clear how turned on she was.

“Fuck baby, you have made such a mess”, I kissed her again, before looking down at the wet patch.

“I know daddy. Don’t you think we should do something about that?”, she asked with that mixture of innocence and filth.

I moved down her body until I was on my knees at the end of her bed. She bit her finger and smiled as she looked down at me, watching as I calmly spread her legs. “Good girl”. The wet patch in her leggings had spread down to her arse and slightly across her thighs. I leaned in and inhaled her scent, my nose brushing her pussy. “Fuckkkk baby, you smell so good”. She giggled as I got closer and sniffed her again. I could feel the level of desire rising inside me.

“Does daddy like the smell of his little girls pussy?”, she asked as her face changed from innocent and giggly, to dirty and lustful.

“You know I fucking do”, I responded, holding eye contact with her.

“Then fucking do something about it”. She might have been a virgin, but the fact she was talking like this showed that she could take it. I raised both arms and spread her legs further apart, before I grabbed her leggings, forcefully tearing them apart, right where the wet patch was. “Oh fuck yes daddy!”, she moaned, clearly wanting to be taken by me. I looked up at her and back down to what was in front of me. She didn’t have any panties on. “Oh no. Did daddy think I had panties on?”

I looked at her soaking wet pussy. It was so fucking pretty; neat, shaved, swollen. Ready for me. “You’re such a bad girl wearing no panties around the house”, I said, edging closer to her cunt.

“I am arent I. But I’ll be good from now daddy. I promise”.

I kissed her clit softly, opening my mouth as my tongue ran up her slit and back down. “I know you will. I can tell baby”. She was starting to let out soft moans. “Play with your tits at the same time for me. Good girl. That’s it. You’re doing so well”. I savoured her taste; it was an immediate addiction. I wanted more. I pushed my tongue inside her and moved it across every part of her pussy; rolling it around her swollen clit, moving the flat of my tongue up and down her lips, kissing her inner thigh as I smiled at her and getting back to her cunt. She was moaning and doing exactly as she was told.

“You are doing a good job baby. Now I want you to suck your thumb”, I looked up at her and she was smiling at me. Her right hand continued to play with her nipples as she put her thumb in her mouth. My cock was pressed against my trousers, and I desperately wanted to be inside her. But I wanted to show her everything. Just as she had asked. “Such a good girl”, I say, kissing her swollen clit again.

“Oh fuck. I haven’t even started daddy. I’m going to show you how good I really am”.

I was pleasing her through the hole I had created in her leggings, and my mouth was already covered in her cum. Each time I moved my tongue over her cunt, I could feel strands of her juices between my mouth and her pussy. She was glistening. She was clearly so ready for my cock, but she had to wait. “You taste so fucking good princess. Fuck me, I love your pretty little pussy so much”. I was moaning myself. Grunting almost. Eagerly eating her little pussy before I started to work my way further down.

“Oh fuck! Daddy! That’s my arsehole!”, she giggled before putting her thumb back in her mouth. I ripped her leggings further, giving me more access to her holes.

“Do you want daddy to please your arsehole too?”, I asked as my tongue started to work it’s way down from her tight cunt.

“Do you really need to ask?”, without being told, she grabbed her legs and pulled them back. There was something so hot about my little girl on her bed, leggings still on with a hole in them, swollen pussy exposed and desperate to feel my tongue on her arsehole. I spread her cheeks slightly before moving my tongue along her crack, rolling my tongue in circles over her hole, just as I had done on her clit.

“This is really fucking bad baby. Oh fuck”, I continued to tease her. My tongue pleasing both holes as her moans got louder. “Ssshhh Michelle. You can’t be too loud. No one can know what we’re doing”.

She took her thumb out of her mouth and puffed out her lips like a little brat. “Well maybe you should stop teasing my little holes so well”, I pushed my tongue inside her again and watch her, “ohhhhh fuckkk daddy! I can’t keep quiet if you keep doing this”. I reached up and put a hand over her mouth as her cum dripped down to her arsehole and I cleaned her up. She grabbed my hand and started to suck my fingers instead.

“Fuck me gorgeous. That really turns me on”

“I know daddy. I have already seen”, she said, referencing to when she watched me and her mother.

“You are so fucking bad!”, I sped up, my tongue moving quickly up and down, her legs beginning to vibrate slightly at the sensation of having both holes and her clit teased.

“Shit daddy. I’m getting that feeling I get with my vibrator! Fuck it’s so good”, she gets back to sucking my fingers. I run my fingers around her arsehole as my mouth focuses on her cunt now. “Ohh fuckk thats so good. Daddy I’m going to cum. I think I’m going to cum!”.

I immediately stopped what I’m doing and looked at her, denying her orgasm. “You need to learn. You only cum, when daddy allows you to. Do you understand?”

“Oh fuck! I need to cum!! Yes daddy. But I really need to”

“So what do you do gorgeous?”

“I ask permission”, she responded.

“Good girl”, I get back to teasing her cunt with my tongue, only I started to say some filthy things to her in between it all. “You taste a lot better than your mother” I said which made her hips buckle. I looked at her and her face was flushed red. “Do you think you’re ready for two fingers inside this pretty, tight, virgin pussy?”

“Ohhhh fuck, yes daddy. Please”

I pushed two fingers inside her as I continue to suck lightly on her swollen clit and within seconds she was starting to vibrate again.

“Please, can I cum daddy. Please?!”, she begged me but I stayed quiet, not giving her permission. A test. How would she cope? “Do you want me to beg more? Daddy please I’m begging you”. She held her legs back, desperate for me to push my fingers deeper inside her.

“I like it when you beg. You can cum princess. Cum for daddy”, I pushed both fingers deep inside her Virgin pussy and rolled my tongue around her clit. My other hand was massaging her arsehole, wondering whether I should fill her other hole with a finger. ‘I’ll wait’, I thought to myself.

“Yessss! Fuckkkk daddy! Fuck me with your fingers, I’m cumming!!” I saw the veins in her neck as her whole body jerked, waves of orgasm hit her but she remained in place, her hands around her thighs, holding her legs back for me.

“Good girl. You can take it! You’re doing such a good job for daddy”

“FUCKKKKKK”, she screamed out now but I had lost the care about people hearing. I wanted to watch my little girl cum so badly and my cock was swelling; pressed against my trousers more than it had ever been. She was panting, trying to catch her breath as I held my mouth in place and continued to move my fingers inside her. I took them out when her orgasm settled and raised them to her mouth.

“Taste yourself for me”

“Mmmmm, fuck that was so good. I love it when you tell me what to do”, she grabbed my hand and licked her juices off of my fingers. She might have been a virgin, but she was behaving as if she had done this before.

“We have barely started…”, I responded as I pulled her leggings off, rubbing my fingers across her wet holes. Her soft, quiet moans in the in-between moments made me want her more. As I leaned back, she used her feet to rub the bulge in my trousers, giggling and moving her feet up and down. I couldn’t take it. I grabbed her feet and took them in my mouth, licking them, rolling my tongue around her toes, as her giggling stopped and she started to moan again.

“Don’t be shy daddy. I’ve already seen your big cock. I need to return the favour really don’t I?”, she pulled her legs away from me and got on all fours and crawled along the bed, purposely pushing her arse out behind her. I was standing at the edge of her bed, looking down at her. She was holding eye contact and biting her lips, now using her hands over my trousers to tease me.

“Oh believe me. I’m not shy. Be a good girl and take my cock out”, she slowly unzipped my trousers as I took my shirt off. I stepped out of them and stood in front of her, the outline of my throbbing cock now pressed against my black boxers. “Do you know what you’re doing or would you like me to tell you?”, I asked, rubbing my hand through her hair.

“Teach me. Tell me what to do”, she pulled my boxers down and my swollen cock sprung out of them, resting against her face as she smiled at me. “Fuck daddy, it’s so much bigger up close”.

“I want you to start my licking my balls and using your fingernails to tease them”, Michelle cupped her hands almost as she started to tickle my balls slightly. She moved closer and began to kiss and lick them, losing her underneath my long cock which now rested above her head. “Good girl. Fuck that’s good”.

“Do you like this daddy? Am I doing a good job?”, she asked me innocently.

“Yes baby. Keep going. After this I want you to look up at me with your tongue out”. She immediately did as she was told and looked up at me. She continued to play with my balls as I grabbed the shaft of my cock. She looked so pretty. Like such a little whore. I slapped my cock lightly across her tongue, the feeling of my little girls wet mouth driving me crazy. She tan her tongue up my shaft. She knew what she was doing.

“Fuck baby. How do you know what to do?”, I asked as I grabbed her head.

She looked up at me. “I said I was a virgin daddy. I didn’t say I hadn’t sucked cock before..”, hearing the words leave her mouth made me lose composure slightly. I pushed my cock into her mouth and she gagged slightly, smiling as a trail of spit followed when I took it out.

“Well then princess. Suck my cock as you have already learned, and I’ll teach you how to do it properly”

Her hands looked so small whilst gripping ny cock, both of them working together with her mouth to pleasure me. She was twisting them slightly, one hand at the base and the other at the head of my cock. Exactly how I liked it.

I felt my phone vibrating on the floor. ‘Fuck, what if Anna is back? What if she needs something?’.

“What is it daddy?”, Michelle asked as I leant down to pick my phone up. She kept my cock in her hands and continued to lick up and down my shaft — exactly as she was instructed to do.

“Shit. It’s your mother”, I said, panicking slightly.

“Good. Answer it. I’ll keep going”…

Continue to Part 5…



Christian JA

I write addictive erotic stories, encompassing all sorts of kinks, usually from a first person POV.. but playing around with new ideas. More to come. 18+