Getting Back Together With Your Ex After 2 Years: Breaking Up And Getting Back Together Years Later

Jasmine Norah
5 min readDec 23, 2019


Photo by Kyle Bearden on Unsplash

Getting back together with your ex after 2 years — Breaking up and getting back together years later.

There could be two sides to your former relationship. In your opinion you spend your days and nights longing for them. In their mind every day and night that passes, getting back together just seems to long for them. Here’s how to approach the delicate situation of getting back with an ex with whom you may have grown apart.

Step 1: Why Is It Too Long?: Why in your mind is it too long? Did you date them for 2 days in preschool and now you’re 25 or have you both been married and divorced already. You’ve got to turn every situation to your advantage such as ‘we did go to school together’ or ‘well, we both already tried that marriage thing.’

Step 2: Don’t Think It’s Too Long: I like to think that it’s never too long to get back with somebody if you truly are in love with them. If you dated for 2 days in preschool and hooked back up while you were both on your death bed I’d say that’s a pretty good 3 days if the person is truly worth it.

Step 3: What Has Changed?: Now that we’ve determined that time is never an issue, you have to think as an adult at what has truly changed in both your lives. If one of you is married, you’ve got to respect their current spouse or if the distance of new cities is too much to overcome, it might not play out in real life as it has in your mind.

Step 4: Change Their Impressions: You probably know what your ex thought of you at the time of your breakup. Their were obviously things that they liked about you but your negative traits were just too overpowering. Make sure that time has been kind to you and that you’ve attempted to change their impressions.

Step 5: Change Your Goals: When you were in your 20’s or 30’s, maybe your goal was to get your ex back and start a family with them but as you get older you might have to settle for your extended families joining together. Likewise, goals change from your high school years as you enter said 20’s and 30's.

Step 6: Look Big Picture: Is your desire to get back with an ex just an extension of you being unfulfilled with how your life has played out? Before you make your big pitch and start messing with people’s emotions, make sure your thoughts are sincere and genuine.

Step 7: Contact: After you’re sure that you want to be with this person and before you lay on your death bed with them, don’t overlook the most obvious mistake and just give them a call. Millions of people have wasted their lives by waiting for the call instead of making it and the only regret they have is that they never knew.

Warning: Your Ex Is Very Near To Having Sex With Someone Else Soon… If you do not take action now, your ex will be lost forever to someone else! I am about to share with you the secret way to get your ex crawling back to you instantly; no matter how bad the situation is. No more ignoring, no more games; from this point on your life will never be the same. You don’t want to miss this — Click Here

Normally after any relationship has ended there is a time when you always ask should you try and get back together with your Ex. This is a normal part of the process.

Some people think about it for a few minutes, whilst others will dwell on it for months.

Working through a simple process will help you decide which path you should take, and only after this process should you look at how to get back with your ex.

• The first stage is to be honest about why you broke up. The most recent argument will not be the true reason if you have been unhappy and arguing for years. To break up means that one or both of you were unhappy with what was going on. Think deeper than just the obvious symptoms, if your partner said they were sick of tiding up after you does that really mean they feel you do not treat them with respect.

• Once you have been honest about why you broke up, it is much easier to know if getting back together is the right answer. Before leaving a relationship, especially if there are children you have to be very sure that it is impossible to make it work. Look at the long term before you make a decision. A short term relationship might not be worth fighting for. Sometimes although it is painful, accepting it is over is the only way ahead.

• If you have decided that overall the relationship is worth fighting for, the next stage is deciding what changes need to be made to have a happy relationship with your ex. Sometimes you have to accept that you are the one who has to make the changes. To start with it is tempting to say that you will do anything to get back together. Reality can be very different. Couples are often attracted to each other and then spend the next 20 years trying to change each other.

Before you approach your ex with the idea of trying to make your relationship work, make sure you are really determined to make it work and are prepared to reach compromises. Everyone can make small positive changes to make ourselves better people but this can only be done if we honestly want to make the changes ourselves. You will have to convince your Ex that you are serious.

Finding help with how to approach your ex is fully explained in this amazing book. They are refreshingly new ideas and help you to really understand each other. This is a vital part of any relationship.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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