Things To Tell Your Ex Girlfriend To Get Her Back: How To Get The Girl Of Your Dreams Back

Jasmine Norah
5 min readDec 23, 2019


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Things to tell your ex girlfriend to get her back — How to get the girl of your dreams back.

Going through a break up is a tough thing for anybody to handle. You feel rotten, but still, deep down you are filled with the urge to get your ex back. But is it possible? What should you say? What if you say the wrong thing? These are fair questions. With that in mind, here are three things to say to your ex girlfriend to get you back on her mind again.

1. “What’s new?” Ask her this question in a friendly, encouraging manner. Make sure that you are actively listening and that you are interested in everything she is saying. Listen for a few short minutes (preferably no more than five minutes, maximum) then tell her you have to go. The key is that you have to make your leaving in mid-conversation look natural and sincere. In fact, if you know exactly when you will be seeing her, you can have a friend call your cell phone at a predetermined time. Take the call, then tell you’d like to do more catching up, but you have to go. This will drive her crazy, and all you will have to do is wait for her to get in touch with you.

2. “I’m sorry.” This isn’t always easy for us guys to say, at least not in the way ex girlfriends want us to say. See, it’s not that we have such a hard time uttering those words, it’s what women tend to say next that throws us for a loop. After we say sorry, they shoot back with “what are you sorry about?”, then we’re stuck. Yes, we know we’re sorry, and we’re sorry for whatever it is they want us to be sorry for…but that’s not good enough for them. So, before apologizing, do some soul searching and try to come up with something specific that you can apologize for. Then you’ll be ready for her inevitable follow up question. Doing this will definitely get you back on her mind.

3. “I love you.” These may be the riskiest three words you can utter in the English language. Sometimes it’s exactly what she wants to hear. Other times she will think you are trying to manipulate her. Or, she may be angry at you and it’s the last thing she wants to hear. So, be sure you only ever say this because you mean it, and use your best judgment. However, if you have tried everything else, then you have nothing to lose.

Once she’s thinking about you again, you can just sit back and let her own mind do all the work for you. While these things to say to your ex girlfriend to get you back on her mind may seem sneaky, it’s hard to argue with the results once the two of you are back together.

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You are looking for things to say to get your girlfriend back because you really do love her and you don’t want the break up to be permanent. Well, I don’t want to waste your time, so I will get straight to the point right now. The best thing to say to your girlfriend in order to win her back is to say nothing.

You read it right! You don’t have to say anything. It is not the answer you are looking for, is it? Why am I telling you this? It is because nothing you can say to make her change her mind at all, especially right after the break up. You may not like this, but it is the truth.

Don’t try to find any romantic words to say to her. Don’t try to work things out. Don’t try to chase after her either. I’m telling you now that it is totally useless for you to call her every five minutes, or to send her tons of emails or text messages. It is totally useless for you to get down on your knees and beg her or plead her to take you back as well. Believe me, you can’t get her back by doing these things.

As mentioned earlier, if you are looking for things to say to get your girlfriend back, then you don’t need to say anything. Just leave her alone and disappear from her life for a while. Don’t try to contact her in any form of communication. Give her some time to think through things. Just keep in mind that you will annoy her instead if you try to work things out in this moment.

In addition, when you disappear from her life as mentioned, it is very possible that she might start to miss you and start to think about the good times you two had with each other. During this time, I want you to forget about things to say to get your girlfriend back. I want you to stop acting desperate because girls don’t want to be with a desperate man as well.

Well, you may not believe me about this. Now, let me ask you something. Did you try to talk to her in order to change her mind after the break up? If so, did it work? I don’t think so. It’s time for you to start doing the right thing by looking for the right strategy that you can follow in order to get what you want.

For now, I’m telling you one effective tip that works. Don’t try to look for things to say to get your girlfriend back because you don’t need to say anything at all.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

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