How Do I Talk To My Ex Girlfriend After A Long Time: My Ex Won’t Talk To Me And I Want Her Back

Jasmine Norah
8 min readDec 15, 2019


Photo by Alexandre Boucher on Unsplash

How do I talk to my ex girlfriend after a long time — My ex won’t talk to me and I want her back.

Breakups happen and when they do happen, they are usually sudden and unexpected. There is no point in dwelling what if, now is time for you to look ahead and plan for the future. With that said, if you want to get your ex girlfriend back, it is important that you call your ex girlfriend every now and then. Let me explain why.

Now, I’m giving you this advice assuming that you did not do anything too terrible that made your ex girlfriend hate you.

It doesn’t matter that your breakup was mutual, or that one of you had ended the relationship. If you neither one of you ended up hating one another and you want her back now, you have to keep the line of communication open.

She will not tell you this, but she wants to be assured that you still care. It does not matter that you are not sleeping with each other anymore. She does not want to see you with another girl anymore than you want to see her dating other men.

Using jealousy is a good tactic in certain situation, but if your breakup was somewhat civil, you probably want to stay away from the jealousy game.

If you start seeing other women right now, it is very possible that you will completely alienate her. You want to give her just enough attention so she knows you still care, but you don’t want to overdo it and bore her out of her mind.

Keep the calls brief and friendly. Remember, you are not trying to make a statement, you are just saying hello. Phoning her every now and then would be a good place to start if you want to get your ex girlfriend back.

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After a breakup that was not of your choosing it’s natural to ask yourself how you can get your ex girlfriend back. And it’s true that many break ups can be fixed; you probably have friends who have gone through similar experiences yet managed to solve their relationship problems and stay together. Lots of people go through storms in their relationships, yet find a way to weather them. But right now you need to face up to the reality of your breakup, and do what you can to make it possible for you to get back together.

You need to think about what went wrong, and what you could do differently in the future, should your girlfriend give you a second chance. It’s possible to draw some useful lessons out of a bad experience, which will give it a more positive aspect and help you to learn what mistakes to avoid in the future.

Take Some Time to Think About the Future

But don’t rush to put your ideas into action immediately. You both need to calm down so that you can look back at your relationship more clearly. Often you’ll find that over a few weeks the reasons for your breakup will become clearer and easier to understand. Seeing your relationship in perspective will also help you to be sure about what you really want.

So it’s better if you don’t contact your girlfriend for three or four weeks. Don’t worry that this will encourage her to forget you and move on. Giving her space will emphasise the void that has opened up in her life, and give her a chance to miss you. Everyone who ends a relationship wonders afterwards whether they have done the right thing, and if you don’t put pressure on your girlfriend now, she is more likely to remember the good things you shared together and have regrets.

Take this time to focus on yourself. Go out with your friends, do some sport or training and take some weekend trips. Boost your confidence by getting out and meeting people. Work on adding some new dimensions to your life, so that you show the world — and your ex — what a busy, interesting person you are.

What can you do to get your ex back? Is it possible to make your ex miss you like crazy? To learn the killer, advanced strategies to get your ex back, simply click here!

How Rebuilding Your Life Will Influence Your Girlfriend

Making these changes in your life is great for two reasons. The first of course is that it stops you brooding too much over the breakup, and gives you a lift just when you really need it. Filling your days with positive things will give you a good feeling. But the second reason is even better, as it gives out the message than you are doing well, you are cool about the breakup, and you’re really enjoying the freedom to do what you want.

You need to make your girlfriend think she is really missing something good, and to make her see exciting qualities in you that she has missed up to now. And adding new people and interests to your life will give you a fresh perspective on the future.

How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

After a few weeks you should have a better idea of how you see your future. Do you still want to get your girlfriend back, or are you ready to move on? If you still want to get back together, now is the time to be a bit more direct and to find out how she is feeling about you.

It’s better to be a bit laid back about seeing her again, and to take things slowly at first. Suggest a casual meeting over coffee just to catch up, rather than an actual date. Play it cool and don’t stop doing all the new things you have been working on these last few weeks. Meeting up occasionally should give you a feel for how much she has been missing you, and whether her feelings about your old relationship have changed. Take it slow and easy, and if getting back together is really going to happen it should soon become clear.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

How do I talk to my ex girlfriend after a long time — My ex won’t talk to me and I want her back.

Your girlfriend decided to end the relationship with you and now you really want to get her back. You’ve been trying many methods but nothing seems to work. Well, it is very possible that you might repeat the same mistakes that many men usually make when trying to get an ex girlfriend back.

Now, I want to tell you that there are 3 things that you should not follow if you still want to get back with an ex girlfriend.

1. Manipulate her to come back to you.
2. Make her feel guilty for dumping you.
3. Try to get her back by using some dirty techniques.

Well, these 3 methods mentioned above might help you to get close to your ex girlfriend, but they actually can’t help you to get her back. Besides, you might be in big trouble because of these methods as well. Even if you can get her back by using these methods, but she will break up with you again, sooner or later. So, don’t try to get an ex girlfriend back by following the wrong steps. If you really do want to get her back after the break up, then you should try to do the right things and make her come back to you instead.

How can you do that? Well, here are some tactics that might do the trick.

The proven way to get an ex girlfriend back is to reverse the situation by making her feel like she was dumped, even if she was the one who decided to break up with you. How can you do that? It’s easy. You just don’t do anything that you want to do. In other words, you should try to do the opposite of what you are going to do. For example, if you really do want to explain things to her and talk her into changing her mind, then don’t do that. Just let her go and accept the truth. Accept that your relationship with your girlfriend has ended already. You should show her that you do respect her decision. Instead of trying to do what you want, this time, you should allow her to do what she wants.

After that, you should give her some space. Don’t try to contact her because if you do that, the chance to get her back will be ruined. Remember, no phone call, no email, and no text message. If you can do as mentioned, then it is very possible that your ex girlfriend will notice that you are not around anymore. You are not chasing after her anymore. Then, she will start wondering where you are and what you are doing. In other words, she will start thinking about you.

If this is the case, then she will not be sure whether she made the right decision or not by leaving you like that. In addition, it also means that your break up situation can be fixed. Once it happens as mentioned, then your chance to get your ex girlfriend back will be higher.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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