My Ex Boyfriend Jealous Of Me Dating: Why Is My Ex Mad That I Have A New Boyfriend

Jasmine Norah
7 min readDec 15, 2019


Photo by Hean Prinsloo on Unsplash

My ex boyfriend is jealous of me dating — Why is my ex mad that I have a new boyfriend.

Are you hoping to find out that your ex boyfriend still loves you? “Does my ex boyfriend still love me” is a question many girls want to get an answer to. When you have broken up with your boyfriend you can’t really call him up and just casually ask him if he still loves you. If you want to get back with your ex you need to know how he feels about you before you make a move. Here are 7 tell tale signs that your ex still loves you — even if he doesn’t say so.

1) Maintaining contact

If your ex boyfriend phones you or sends you text messages or emails regularly, you don’t need to ask yourself does my ex still love me. It doesn’t matter if the calls and messages are made strictly on the basis of being “just friends”. You can be sure your ex boyfriend misses you badly and wants to stay in your life if he is making the effort to keep in contact.

2) Always by your side

If you and your ex boyfriend happen to be at the same place, do you always seem to end up side by side? This will be particularly noticeable if you often go to the same cafes or clubs, or if you work in the same building. If your ex boyfriend seems drawn to your side like a magnet is at work, this is not an accident. It might be purely subconscious on your ex’s part, but it shows he can’t resist getting as close to you as possible.

What if your boyfriend already left you? Here’s how to get him back.

3) No dating

If your ex boyfriend has not dated anyone else since you broke up, the answer to your question “does my ex still love me” is almost guaranteed to be “yes”. Your ex boyfriend is most likely not dating anyone because he still feels as if he belongs with you, and is trying to find a way to ask you to get back with him.

4) Possessive

Does your ex boyfriend show signs of being jealous and possessive? If your ex makes nasty comments about any boys you might be seen with, this is a sure that jealousy is niggling away. Signs of possessive behaviour are more subtle. It could be something like taking a sip of your drink without asking, or assuming that you will give him a ride home from a party (even though you didn’t go there together). If your ex boyfriend sometimes acts as if the two of you are still an item, the green light is in your favour.

5) Asking Around

Even if your ex boyfriend has been careful not to overwhelm you with phone calls and messages, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have been forgotten. If your ex boyfriend still loves you, he won’t be able to resist asking mutual friends about you. If your ex has broken off communication, this could mean he is testing you to see whether you will make the first move to get in touch. If your friends tell you your ex boyfriend is always asking about you, the love is almost certainly still there.

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Communication is the foundation of any loving relationship and never has this truth been so meaningful than after a breakup if you are trying to get him back, right? You wish he could read your mind and know how much you love him. You want him to really know your heart and you are sure that if he did he would come back to you. Unfortunately, these days communication with your ex is strained at best and nonexistent most of the time.

Your attempts to communicate with your ex and let him know how much you love him and want him back are probably met with coldness, indifference and possibly even anger at times. He doesn’t even seem like the man you loved and your heart breaks with every passing day. But what can you do to improve communication with your ex and get him back.

Look… even though you might want to get him back right now this topic needs to be one that you avoid like the plague. Every time you bring it up you are only pushing him further away. Every time you tell him that you still love him you make things worse. You might believe that he could forget that you love him or that you don’t want him any more… but why not make him wonder if you love him or miss him? Make a pact with yourself that you will not be the first one to say “I love you” and that the topic of getting back together again will never be brought up by you ever again.

You want him to want to come back to you, don’t you? Instead of getting back together after a lengthy discussion of the pro and cons of getting back together wouldn’t it be nicer if the two of you just fell in love again? Can you imagine the bliss of having him flirt with you again as you coyly play hard to get? Can you see him awkwardly lingering after spending some time together as he musters up the courage to kiss you again? Dream of late nights sitting up talking and laughing instead of strained conversations over all the bad things that the two of you did and said to each other.

What can you do to get your ex boyfriend back? Is it possible to make your ex miss you like crazy? To learn the killer, advanced strategies to get your ex back, simply click here!

Love is a wonderful thing and it won’t be denied. You can count on that. You love him and somewhere deep down inside surrounded by walls and encased in ice is his heart and the love that he always held for you and always WILL carry for you. You can bet on that. Now your job is to warm his heart and gently break down that wall so that love can flow freely from his heart again straight to you. Simple, right? But how can you do this if he won’t even talk to you?

Getting him back and making him fall in love with you is simple if you know a little bit about how guys work. Forcing him into counseling or hours talking about your relationship is a sure way to kill his love for you and your chances of getting him back. On the other hand, if you know how to take control of your relationship and lead him back to you then you have a chance of getting him back. Knowing what to say, how to say it and what not to say are key to your success if you ever hope to get him back. Knowing how to break down that wall and open his heart can be an easy task that requires some patience, understanding of the male psyche and some cunning.

The choice is up to you though. You can try to get him back using traditional techniques such as confrontation and relationship analysis or you can make him fall in love with you all over again by speaking to his heart and subconscious mind. I think you know what will work best and which will bring your man back to you and keep him in love with you forever.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

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