How To Make My Ex Jealous On Social Media: How To Make Your Ex Jealous On Facebook

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 20, 2019


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

How to make my ex jealous on social media — How to make your ex jealous on facebook.

This is the oldest trick in the book and is being practiced in all civilizations from the advent of time. However, in the post modern world you need to adapt to changes that take place every other day. This is the day and age when information is at your fingertips and nothing can be hidden or done without the world having inkling about it. Facebook, twitter, YouTube, 3G mobile phones, iPhones and many more gadgets and applications can be used to make your ex jealous in sneaky ways. Here are 7 tips that will help you use jealousy to get your ex back.

Change your status to single

No sooner have you been dumped log on the internet and change your status on all the social networking sites to single. Also update your profile and make some interesting changes in your preferences for a ideal date. If your girlfriend was a brunette then change your preference to blonde or redhead etc. If your boyfriend was short or stout then change your preference to athletic build guys or sportsmen etc.

Gauge your ex’s response

Post pictures of you and your new friends of the opposite sex on your site. However, make sure that the pictures are not very graphic but are about you having a ball with them. Do not remove the pictures which show you and your ex together.

Discard the ring or the bracelet

If you and your ex have separated amicably and meet very often then the best way to put the point across is by discarding the ring, the bracelet or pendant that your ex gifted you. Your ex is sure to notice this and will feel slighted by this act. However, do not wear a new ring or something that shows you have a new love interest in your life.

Mingle with a dashing bunch or guys/gals

Now that you are on your own you can choose the people you want to hang out with. If the crowd you hang out with is dashing and adventurous, tales of you having a good time will travel to your ex and she/he will miss the action.

Put up an act that you are getting too close to someone else

This is a tricky tip and needs to be executed with great caution. However, you may involve a close friend, from the opposite sex, who is ready to join the conspiracy. Just give hints that you are getting serious but still have not made up your mind.

Move a few rungs up the social ladder

Make friends with influential people in the media and try and get into the page 3 circuit of your town/community. Once your ex becomes aware of your popularity he/she will also want to join the party.

Achieve something professionally or academically

This is the most difficult but the best of tips that will not only win your ex back but will also make you a better person. After the breakup, focus all your energies on achieving something professionally or academically that no one has achieved so far. This will make your ex feel good about having known you intimately for some time.

While doing all this keep sending feelers to your ex that you would like to get back together for a long and committed relationship. Chances are that your ex will come back to you.

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When thinking how to get your ex back you will have many ideas. Some are helpful but some of them just won’t work at all. Most of them fail because they don’t want to accept the fact that some relationships simply won’t work out. But if you think you can rebuild your relationship you need to follow the 3 principles — why, who and what can change your ex mind. This will increase your chances greatly.


You want to make your breakup revoked so, you need to understand why and what caused the breakup. In the most cases it’s not easy to find the reason as there is far more than only one reason. So what can you do? Recall the whole time of the relationship. Does your ex have habits that irritated you? Was it a lack of trust? Were there arguments that came up over and over again? The more you know why the relationship ended the higher are your chances of getting your ex back. Show them a fresh start without the faults is possible.

Another thing is, you need to seriously consider why you want to be back in a relationship with your ex. Because you just like to be in a relationship or because you just used to be in one? If so, you should reconsider. You have to be sure this is what you really want and that you have the will to give what it takes to make it work.


You need to think who your partner is and who you are. Are you still the same person who your ex fell in love with in the first place? Is there anything you could do to make yourself more attractive and desirable? Think how you can improve your appearance; perhaps you can go to the gym. You know what your ex likes; make yourself someone your ex would kill to go out with.

Who is your ex? What does your ex like? What were your ex’s favourite parts of your relationship. If you can remind your ex of those things, your chances to rebuild the relationship will increase dramatically. Wear the clothes you know your ex liked or recreate the first romantic date. The greatest advantage you have is that you know your ex very well. Make use of it.

People tend to change with the time and so do you. Think why your ex fell in love with you and whether the things they loved on you changed since then. If so, try to be the person again who your ex loved once. Do this before you try to get your ex back.


There are specific things you can do that help to get your ex back and things that have a negative effect. Avoid being clingy or needy. If it’s possible, keep in touch and tell your ex sometimes that you are still thinking about them. A big advantage is to remain friends and spend time together such like in a group of friends. Seeing you regularly will remind your ex soon how much fun you used to have together and will be beneficial to get your ex back sooner.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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