My Ex Boyfriend Has A New Girlfriend And I Still Love Him: My Ex Moved On and I Want Him Back

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 20, 2019


Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

My ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend and I still love him — My ex moved on and I want him back.

I know it too well how devastating it can be to learn that your boyfriend is dating someone new. When I had that problem, I had no idea about what you do when your boyfriend has a new girlfriend. However, after a time of complete desperation and hopelessness, I stumbled upon a guide on the Internet, and when I followed it, I got my ex boyfriend back. What did I do? Read to find out!

When I heard my boyfriend had a new girlfriend, I was devastated because I thought that meant he was completely over me and had moved on to other girls. However, I was taught by the guide that this was not the case at all. In fact, in the guide was clearly stated; if your boyfriend starts dating another girl very soon after his breakup with you, that relationship is guaranteed to be a rebound relationship — it means that your boyfriend is actually not over you — so not over you, in fact, that they need a new girl in order to suppress the “you” in them.

So what you need to know is that when your ex boyfriend is dating someone new, it doesn’t mean that they are over you — it means the opposite. So now you know that your ex is not over you, it is time to take advantage of it!

You have two options in front of you — and in neither of those options you are to tell your ex boyfriend that you still love him. The first option is that you do nothing. Your boyfriend knows that you know of his new relationship — so he’ll be fully expecting you to call him and either beg him to take you back, or swear and curse at him. When you don’t do those, he will feel like he might have really (really) lost you. This will make him panic, because he is not over you.

The second option that you can take when your ex boyfriend is dating someone new is a bit more active (it is actually the route that I personally took) and it involves you calling your ex to congratulate him sincerely and without any sense of irony and bitterness on his new relationship. If you have been harassing him with texts about how much you still loved him etc. this is also a good time to apologize for that. Just make him think that you are over him and you wish him happiness in his new relationship. Don’t be bitter, and if you can pull this off, he will be in an extreme state of panic and will want you back immediately.

Warning: Your Ex Is Very Near To Having Sex With Someone Else Soon… If you do not take action now, your ex will be lost forever to someone else! I am about to share with you the secret way to get your ex crawling back to you instantly; no matter how bad the situation is. No more ignoring, no more games; from this point on your life will never be the same. You don’t want to miss this — Click Here

To ask if you are looking for a successful plan that will help you to get your ex boyfriend back may seem kind of ridiculous. To ask if you sincerely wish to get him back is a foolish question but the truth is that much of the information that you will find when it comes to relationships and getting back together with your ex is often wishy-washy and vague. I hope to give you some real, sincere advice that, while it may be tough, it is information that really can help you to get your ex boyfriend back.

Cut The Cord — It is normal for you to want to talk to your ex boyfriend. After all, you probably talked with him and spent time with him every day, didn’t you? Now you feel detached and like you are missing a huge part of yourself and your life.

If you have been spending a lot of time and effort trying to convince your ex to come back to you by calling him or talking with him you’re going to have to head the other way. You’re going to have to start doing something different. Logic might tell you that if what you’re doing isn’t working that you need to do something different and often cutting the cord and temporarily severing your connection with your boyfriend might be the best thing for right now.

Reinvent Yourself — Take this time apart to reinvent yourself. Become not only the woman that he fell in love with to begin with but become the well rounded woman that any man would be proud to be with. Do this for yourself first and as an added benefit you will find that your ex will find you even more attractive than he did before!

Taking some time to get control of your emotions and broaden your horizons will help to make the time apart pass more quickly. Even watching a few good movies while sitting on the couch eating chocolate chip cookie dough with a fork is better than blowing up his phone with voicemails and text messages. Going shopping by yourself or with a girlfriend to improve your new you or delving into a hobby that you always wanted to try are great ways to reinvent yourself and in the long run become more appealing to your ex boyfriend.

First Contact — When the time does come to contact your ex boyfriend again you should be happy, in control and satisfied with yourself and your life. Without a sense of satisfaction in your own self you will be hard pressed to attract your ex boyfriend at all. Confidence in yourself and your relationship will give you an aura or sorts that your ex will pick up on without even knowing it and you might find that he will even ask you what has changed about you.

Keep your initial contact with your ex short and sweet. Keep in control of the conversation and make sure that you are the one that ends the call or meeting by saying that you need to run. As strange as this may sound, by giving him only a taste of what you are like these days and reminding him of what he fell in love with you will cause him to begin thinking of you again and wanting to spend time with you again.

While these may be only a few tips pointing you in the right direction of what you need to do and how to do it in order to get your ex boyfriend back they should give you some food for thought. Spend some time thinking these points over and see the power in their truth. Most plans that rival some mastermind scheme of Wiley Coyote usually wind up placing you right back where you were or worse with your ex. The shortcut to ending the pain of your breakup can be found in knowing what to do and how to build or rebuild attraction with your ex boyfriend to cause him to want to come back to you again. Got it?

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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