My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me For Going Through His Phone: He Broke Up With Me Because I Looked At His Phone

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 10, 2019


Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

My boyfriend broke up with me for going through his phone — He broke up with me because i looked at his phone.

Have you recently lost the man you love? If you have, you know all too well what a broken heart feels like. It’s difficult for anyone who hasn’t been through a devastating break up to understand the feelings that come with it. Despair, confusion and loneliness are just a few of the things you’ll experience. Your thoughts are likely consumed with him and you wish nothing more than to be his girlfriend one more time so you can truly show him how much he means to you. If this sounds like the soundtrack to your life at the moment, take heart. You can get through this and be stronger than you ever were before.

Acceptance is really the key to moving forward after you’ve lost the man you love. No one can predict the future so don’t dwell on the idea that he’ll never be a part of your life again. It’s too early to predict what will happen so you need to face the reality that for the time being, you two aren’t together. Many women aren’t fully aware of how much influence they alone have over whether they get back together with an ex boyfriend. You can actually take steps now that will increase the likelihood that you and he will give your romantic relationship another chance.

One of the best things you can do for yourself after a break up is shift your focus. Of course you feel distraught over losing him, but your needs have to come first. Losing yourself in your emotions and succumbing to hours of crying or reminiscing will not help you feel better. Make a list of things that you’ve been pushing aside in your life. The list should include things you’ve been longing to do or people you’ve missed seeing. Then get to work fulfilling that list. You really need to start living your life again. It’s essential so you can become a happy and balanced person again.

Don’t underestimate the amount of support and compassion you can receive from your friends after the break up. Confide in those you trust and let them know that you need them. Call on them when you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t be embarrassed to pour your heart out to them. They want to be there for you and you’ll find that once you share what you’re feeling, you’ll feel more at peace with where things are and the direction your life is headed.

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Have you always had problems with jealousy and insecurity? Did you once think it was normal to fly into a jealous rage at the drop of a hat, but you now realize you need to control yourself? Has your jealousy and insecurity harmed several good relationships, but you just can’t get past it?

It’s normal to feel a tinge of jealousy when we see the man we love getting too chummy with another woman. The problems arise, however, when women allow the jealousy and insecurity to take over, often destroying what could have been a truly great union. Read on to see if you fit into the norm or if you’re a raging green-eyed monster.

Action and Reaction

I’ve seen women blow up and cause an embarrassing scene for herself and her mate all for a trivial matter that the vast majority of women would have overlooked or even laughed at. Flying off the handle because you’re man is simply and innocently talking to another woman can be your first indication that you’re letting you jealousy and insecurity get the best of you.

Calmly Let it Out

Before you become that explosive in a situation, sit down and calmly discuss this with your boyfriend. Let him know that you tend to get a little too jealous at times and you would like him to be sensitive in his actions.

Having received fair warning, he’ll be careful not to play with your emotions. However, you will still need to control yourself when he does something innocent that you interpret as menacing.

Unreasonably High Expectations

I once knew a girl who was an explosively social and flashy blonde. She loved to get male attention and truly took herself to be the cat’s meow. When she began dating this really hot guy she was very possessive and kept him closely at her side. There was no reason for him to talk to or even look at other girls.

In her words, “I’m all the woman he needs.” Neglecting to accept men’s true nature — let’s face it, they’re always going to look — can spell disaster. The slightest slip up and you’re going ballistic.

Understand Your Insecurities

Before even setting out to find a man you’ll share your life with, it can be helpful for you to come to understand your own jealousy and insecurity. What is it that you’re so afraid of? Why do you question yourself so? What is it about other women that you find so menacing?

Coming to a true understand on oneself can greatly help you to grow. This will then allow you to be better prepared for a relationship to come.

Romantic relationships are already hard enough as it is. Throwing in an abundance of jealousy and insecurity can only help to make the relationship excruciating. Discover what brings out these explosive impulses and you’ll have a happier and long lasting relationship.

The alternative may be a life of missed opportunities as your jealous fits scare away one guy after another.

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