What Is My Ex Girlfriend Thinking During No Contact: Is My Ex Girlfriend Thinking About Me During No Contact

Jasmine Norah
7 min readDec 10, 2019
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

What is my ex girlfriend thinking during no contact — Is my ex girlfriend thinking about me during no contact.

If your girlfriend broke up with you, you are probably wishing that she would call you right now and tell you that she wants to get back together. Or maybe you’re thinking that you can do something amazing and it will make her realize that she can’t live without you. Right now, your thoughts are probably centering around what she’s doing, and whether or not she can ever forgive you. You want to do something — anything, if it means that she can love you again and you can get her back. But what? What is the magic word you can say that will get her to give you a second chance?

Look, there really aren’t any magic words you can utter that will help you get your girlfriend back. Well, except for “I’m sorry.” If you haven’t said that, then you should. Especially if you’re serious about getting her back. But if you have told her you’re sorry and she won’t listen to you, or she doesn’t think you mean it, or she’s tired of hearing it, then it’s time to do something different. And the good news is that it won’t involve much physical work on your part. You won’t have to write her a long love letter, or show up at her house, or follow her around all day to get her to listen to you.

What is it? It’s called the No Contact Rule. And yes, it sounds too simple to work, but it does. If you want to get your ex girlfriend back fast, you should definitely consider using it.

How does the No Contact Rule work to help you get her back? Well, it works on a bunch of different levels all at once. It’s a reverse psychology trick — it shows your girlfriend what life is really like without you in it. It also stops the power struggle of your break up — you aren’t begging and pleading with her to give you a second chance, so it breaks the patterns you’re setting. And it also gives your ex girlfriend time to get over the pain of the break up (it gives you a chance to do this too). That means she can look at things from a fresh perspective and not just think about whatever you did that caused the break up in the first place.

How do you use the No Contact Rule? Just like it sounds. Absolutely no contact with your ex girlfriend whatsoever. For at least a week, maybe more. The goal here is to get her to call you. She’ll start missing you. She’ll start to wonder why you aren’t calling her. And then she’ll call.

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A number of people get back together after breaking up. So, don’t get disheartened if your relationship has gone south. Here are some tested ways of not just getting your girl back but getting her back fast.

Move fast
You will need to move really fast when you want to get your ex back. But that doesn’t mean that you will talk to your ex and try to convince her to get back with you. In fact all you need to do is to get her attention. So, cut her off completely.

Get back into action
Instead of sitting at home and sulking you need to show your ex that you are not going to waste any time. Head out with your set of friends and aim at having a great time. Go to the places that your ex frequents and make her see that you are having the time of your life. This will make your ex wonder why you are not brooding and she will begin to question herself.

Look really de stressed
You also should look really relaxed and de-stressed. When your ex sees you in your new avatar looking happy instead of sad she will want to be back with you. You need to make her feel that you are better than what she thinks of you and she will be taking notice of you.

Hit on the girl she hates
Next you need to fuel her jealousy a little bit more and hit on the girl she always hated. Losing you to this girl is going to be too much for her. It will also make her feel that you find the girl better than her. It will make her feel inadequate and will make her want your validation.

Be charming
Be very charming with all people around you. When your ex girlfriend sees you this way she will feel like she is missing out on a wonderful opportunity with a person who was hers. Once she gets this feeling she will secretly begin to want you back in her life.

Dote on the girl you are with
You can also make her miss you by giving your dates a lot of attention. When she sees you being thoughtful, romantic and a new changed person she will walk back to you.

Open the channels of communication
Start talking to your ex so that she knows that you haven’t shut her out completely. Gradually make her feel special and soon you will see that you are together as a couple again.

What can you do to get your ex back? Is it possible to make your ex miss you like crazy? To learn the killer, advanced strategies to get your ex back, simply click here!

If you just had a breakup with your ex-girlfriend and you miss her badly; if you want her to feel the same thing, here are some simple steps that you can follow:

Look your best all the time

Wherever you plan to go, always take the effort to look good. You could be at work, in the mall, doing your grocery shopping or picking up clothes from the laundry-be attractive still. Who knows you might bump into your ex girlfriend along the way. It will be easier for her to miss you if she sees you looking neat and fresh.

Shut her off

Since you just broke up with your ex, try to give her a little space and let her miss you by not being seen by her all the time. Don’t call her or text her for quite sometime and let her wonder what you could be doing. Try not to include her in your dealings for a certain period of time.

Remember important dates

Although you have stayed away from her, never forget the important dates in her life, like her birthday or the natal day of the people close to her like her mom. It will amaze her to know that you have not forgotten those events by sending a simple card or cake.

Stay in touch, still

After hibernating and staying away from her, try to make up for the times you have not seen each other. Try to be non-committal though. You can simply text her from time to time or ask her out on a friendly date.

Send her flowers just like the old days

Nothing beats melting a girl’s heart than giving her lovely flowers. Add a short message along with the lovely flowers. Do not call her to ask if she received the delivery, instead wait for her to call you and say thank you.

Let her reminisce the past

If you had the chance to go out with her along with your friends, try to incorporate in your conversations your happy days together. Also you can email her some photos that could remind her of special days that you have shared.

Don’t demand anything from her

Never set any demands or act as if you are too dependent on her. Make her see that you are happy with your life even after your break up. The more she sees you happy, the more she wants to be with you again.

Breakups are bad things that could happen to anyone, but don’t let it be a reason for your ex-girlfriend to hate you, instead look for ways to make her miss you and want you back, especially if you want to save your relationship with her.

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Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

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