My Ex Boyfriend Says He Misses Me but He Has A Girlfriend: My Ex Boyfriend Has A Girlfriend but Still Wants To See Me

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 17, 2019


Photo by Callie Morgan on Unsplash

My ex boyfriend says he misses me but he has a girlfriend — My ex boyfriend has a girlfriend but still wants to see me.

The host of the public access show Wayne’s World had quite a predicament on his hands. It appears his ex-girlfriend Stacy wasn’t quite ready to move on as she explained to him, “Just because we’re broken up doesn’t mean we can’t see each other.” Actually it does and you should think twice before you try getting your guy back, either way here are some tips.

Step 1: Should You: This guy seems to be your ex for a reason. You might be blaming yourself for the breakup, even though he disappears for weeks at a time and steals your things and sells them on eBay. Before you put yourself on the line for him, make sure he’s worth it.

Step 2: Give It Time: Alright, he’s started dating somebody else but it’s not the end of the world. You’ve got time before he heads down the altar so wait him out a little bit. When he dates somebody else who’s hopefully flawed, he’ll see how cool you actually are.

Step 3: Give Him Room: Your ex is never going to come back and will likely push you away farther if you suffocate him and his new girlfriend. The best things you can do are giving them their space and enjoying your newfound free time to hang out with the girls or meet new fellows.

Step 4: Don’t Be A Fabric Sheet: If you’re letting him date other people while still talking and communicating, make sure not to be clingy like the Snuggle fabric softener. You don’t want him to know you’re hurting and you probably shouldn’t be too touchy-feely with him if he has a new girlfriend.

Step 5: Make Repairs, Don’t Despair: The person in front of your mirror today doesn’t have as good of chance at winning their boyfriend back than the one that will be their in a month. Make it so by cleaning up your attitude, getting fit, clearing your head and readjusting your focus.

Step 6: Laugh At His Pain: A guy might come crying to you when his new woman cheats on him with the PE teacher because he’s comfortable with you. Instead of lending a shoulder, tell him in a confident way that that’s what he gets for breaking up with you, This shows you’re strong and won’t always be there to take him back.

Step 7: Take Advantage Of His Pain: Just like you should casually agitate him when he’s having some lady quandaries, use those moments to strike like a cobra. After your initial strong front, put on a soft side and say something like, “Come on Mr. Heartbreak, I’ll take you out for a beer to drown your pains.”

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Losing the guy you love is an absolutely miserable feeling. It might not be too late, though, for a second chance. How to win your ex boyfriend back takes some time and careful coordination but it can be done under the right circumstances. You need to understand what makes people tick when it comes to love in order to give yourself the best chance for a second chance with them.

If it was your boyfriend who did the breaking up, they probably had more lead time than you in adjusting themselves to being apart. You, on the other hand, probably got caught off guard. It’s as if you had no say in the matter and now you’re miles behind what your ex has already gone through mentally as they prepared themselves for the separation.

If you want to know how to win your ex boyfriend back, you need to get yourself as close as possible to where they are emotionally. This means you need some time to think about what went wrong and how to fix it. You need to be able to evaluate the relationship as it was before the break up and decide where it can be improved and you need to be able to do so with a clear mind.

You also need to regain a bit of lost ground by not letting your ex get away with thinking that you are miserable, heartbroken and desperate. If you follow a few steps to take care of yourself first and to rebuild their impression of you, you greatly improve your chances of success.

First, stop trying to contact your ex. This alone often gives your ex a reason to stand up and take notice. If you have been sending 20 text messages a day and suddenly stop, they are going to wonder what has changed. Now, you are on their mind rather than it just being you who is doing all the second guessing.

What can you do to get your ex boyfriend back? Is it possible to make your ex miss you like crazy? To learn the killer, advanced strategies to get your ex back, simply click here!

Second, understand why the two of you broke up. Did you regularly fight about the same things over and over without being able to find some common ground? Can you change your position on those disagreements and commit to those new positions?

Third, after you think your ex really sees you are no longer trying so hard to catch his attention and get back together, make informal, casual contact with your ex. Only do this if you know you can come across as nothing more than a friend.

Finally, do the things you used to do, enjoy life again and find a way to have fun. When you’re comfortable, and assuming your ex was receptive to your one, casual contact, invite your ex to a group event or just a cup of coffee to catch up.

When he sees you are no longer desperate or raw from the pain of the separation, he’ll be more likely to consider the possibilities of getting back together because he can see you the way he used to see you, the way you were when you first captured his attention. When he knew you were desperate and struggling, he knew he could get you back at a moment’s notice. When he thinks you may have moved on and that you have come to peace with the break up, he may have a change of heart. People always want what seems a bit more challenging to get. If it’s too easy, they make less effort.

None of these steps is particularly easy, especially if you don’t think you can handle talking to your ex again without breaking into tears. This is why it is important to heal yourself first and focus on learning what makes strong couples tick. The more information you have and the more capable you are of using that information to better your position, the better chance you have of understanding how to win your ex boyfriend back.

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