My Ex Cheated On His New Girlfriend With Me: Why Did My Ex Boyfriend Cheat On His Girlfriend With Me

Jasmine Norah
5 min readDec 17, 2019


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

My ex cheated on his new girlfriend with me — Why did my ex boyfriend cheat on his girlfriend with me.

Have you just broken up with your ex and you’re still wildly attracted to one another? Did your ex broach the idea of having ex sex? You know that even though there were issues in your relationship, the sex was really good. There’s one easy to answer this. If agree that it’s best to move on from boyfriend ad girlfriend but you’re both not ready to give that part of your relationship up; then what’s the harm?

Chances are though, that’s not the case. If you two once shared a bond and you’re left wondering why you two broke up, he or she may think it’s a brilliant idea to continue having sex; this will only prolong your agony. One of you is getting your needs met. Initially you may feel that you are too but you’re not. In fact, it’s deepening the sense of loss you feel for your ex.

Sex by definition implies intimacy. If you have already had love with this person, the feelings you now have are confusing. Should you have sex with your ex? I’d have to say no. But do you want to be around him or her? Suggest rather than having sex that you spend time with one another doing fun things. If your ex doesn’t like this solution, perhaps your ex is no longer in love with you and but craves you sexually.

If your ex agrees to do fun things, there’s a really good chance your ex still loves you and future intimacy is a possibility. In fact, there’s a chance you may still be able to reconcile.

I suggest trying hobbies, but separately and together. While you’re working on rebuilding a bond with your ex, you’re also rebuilding your own self-esteem. When you get together for either your hobby or go have dinner some place, you can talk about the various things each of you has been doing whilst not in one another’s company. This will create renewed interest. If you were having sex with your ex right now, all you would be doing is wallowing in your confusion.

It’s very possible that after spending this much time with your ex as buddies that you both realize this is what your relationship lacked at the start. It’s not uncommon for two people that are attracted to one another, to jump into sex too quickly. Doing things in reverse allows the two of to build a lasting bond so that when you two decide to add sex to the mix, things will last this time.

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In this case we will delve into the some pointers of how to get back your love back from another girl. You could be heartbroken, upset, full of envy or rather angry, but if you want your ex boyfriend back from another girl you would surely need to be patient and extremely tactful. Do not lose hope; it sure is possible to get him back!

Firstly, in order to win the guy of your dreams back, you would possibly need to convince him that you are the one who is meant for him and would be best for him. In the event of him being totally sure, one would have to let go, but more often than not he would be convinced. Moreover, you would need to start becoming friendly with him once again, and enjoy, joke and have fun. In that case your ex-boyfriend might start enjoying having his ex around him and might consider moving back.

While in the company of your ex you need to be extremely sweet with him, but one must be wary of the fact that a bit of attitude needs to be shown. One has to play “hard to get”. Thus there should be a combination of sweetness and attitude which should be depicted in your behavior however it is important for him to know that you are totally available. This would test the jealously factor.

Please make sure that you do not over indulge and act totally desperate. This would lead to your ex take you for granted and maybe under estimate you, since he already has some other girl with you. Moreover never make the mistake of talking badly or underestimating his current girl. Remember the other girl is officially still his girl friend. On the other hand, do not make a single attempt to tell him to break up as well.

A thin line has to be drawn between exuding utmost confidence and yet feeling sorry that the relationship has broken. Moreover you need to be saying things like “Of course we should move on” or maybe “Yeah that is life, these things happens”. Your ex boyfriend would over time, surely realize find this attitude totally irresistible and possibly get attracted to you all over again!

So you see, getting your ex back from another girl, or even from several girls is not a difficult job if you love, patient and tactful.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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