My Ex Boyfriend’s New Girlfriend Is Jealous Of Me: My Ex Boyfriend’s New Girlfriend Hates Me

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 16, 2019


Photo by Savs on Unsplash

My ex boyfriend’s new girlfriend is jealous of me — My ex boyfriend’s new girlfriend hates me.

Any woman saying this may be thinking that she’s lost the man she loves for good. Whenever your ex starts seeing someone new you’ll have visions of him falling madly in love, proposing to her and becoming her husband in record time. The chances of his next relationship lasting aren’t all that good. Rebound relationships generally crash and burn before long and if you’re waiting for that to happen, there are a few things you need to be doing in the meantime.

You can get your ex boyfriend back if he has a new girlfriend if you establish a friendship with him. This is going to seem like a step in the wrong direction if you’re still in love with him, but it’s not. When a relationship ends and you still desperately love your ex, you’re going to immediately begin to think of ways to gain back the romantic relationship you two shared. Doing that, especially when they’ve already started dating someone new, can be near impossible. However, it’s not difficult at all to establish a friendship. Tell your boyfriend that you’d love it if you two could remain friends. Do this when you’re feeling very calm and centered. You don’t want to cry or plead with him to be your friend. Just mention it to him. Chances are very good that he’ll be receptive.

Another thing you absolutely must do if you want to get him back is be kind and welcoming to her. This isn’t easy but it’s essential to your master plan to win him back. If you show him, through your actions, that you’re not jealous and that you want the best for him, he’ll become more open to you. You can do this by being friendly to her. This doesn’t mean you should go out of your way to spend time with her and you certainly don’t want to bond with her as best friends, but be cordial to her. When you talk with him, ask about her. Over time he’ll begin to see you as a confidante and he’ll start sharing his thoughts and feelings about her. Be supportive without choosing sides and when their relationship starts to unravel, you’ll be right there waiting to pick up the pieces of his broken heart. This will instantly bond you two again.

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A break up is such a miserable thing to go through, especially when you still have really strong feelings for him. Almost immediately, you start asking yourself, “How do I get my ex boyfriend back?”. It is possible. Anything is possible. I truly believe that is the case, however, getting back together may require a lot of work and patience on your side and you are probably not feeling overly patient at the moment.

The normal feelings after a break up are sadness, pain, and feelings of regret. You find yourself wondering if you could have done something differently to prevent the breakup, you can’t listen to love songs without crying, and you lose interest in the things that used to excite you. Maybe you stormed out and regret having done so but he’s moved on. Maybe he broke up with you and you never saw it coming. Either way, you go through a lot of self doubt and suffer a drop in your self esteem.

It does not really matter what the situation is, there are a number of things you can do to get a second chance.

How do I get my ex boyfriend back? Five steps to get things back on track:

Regain your dignity — if you have been haunting your ex, following his every move, talking to his friends or family or just generally invading his life, you are likely pushing him further away. Stop doing these things immediately.

Establish a position of maturity and acceptance — once you have stopped the begging, crying, and pleading for a second chance, give some indication that you have accepted the breakup. Either through a quick letter or email, you can let your ex know that you have come to grips with the separation and that you wish them well. It’s amazing how many times this alone can make a guy reconsider the separation.

Have some fun — are you really going to let a guy rob you of the time you have in this world? Go out with your friends, read your favorite books, take up a new hobby, or start exercising to gain some control over your destiny. Besides, if your boyfriend finds you are acting more like your old self, he’s liable to remember why he loved you to begin with.

Initiate contact — Let enough time pass so that your ex really sees that you are no longer pining for him and then see if you can’t find an opportunity to give them a quick call either for something of yours they still have or to get some information you left with them that you now need.

Arrange an encounter — you need an event or situation in which your ex can see you are your old self again. It helps if this is something fun that you both enjoy like going to a concert with a group of friends. If they see you acting like you used to, they may remember how good it felt to be with you.

Lots of women ask the question, “How do I get my ex boyfriend back?” Many of them miss out by not understanding the psychology of changing the perception the ex has as a result of the final break up. You stand a chance at turning things around if you find a sound strategy that guides you every step of the way.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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