My Ex Girlfriend Tells Me It’s Over: My Ex Girlfriend Told Me To Move On With My Life

Jasmine Norah
8 min readDec 24, 2019


Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

My ex girlfriend tells me it’s over — My ex girlfriend told me to move on with my life.

When your girlfriend told you that she didn’t love you anymore or that she just couldn’t do this anymore, it simply shattered your world. You pictured a life with this woman and now she wasn’t going to be in it anymore. You feel so lost and your heart is broken into a million pieces. Now you are left to pick up the pieces and try to mend your broken heart but it feels impossible.

You just can’t get over your ex girlfriend and you don’t know what to do. You can’t picture life without her and any new girl that you meet pales in comparison. You feel so alone and helpless. You just want her back in your arms and back in your life. It is time that you got some help and that you learned some helpful and effective tips to move on forever. Since she isn’t coming back, you need to clean up your life and get it back on track. There might not be an easy way to do this, but you have to make a start.

An effective way to start to move on with your life and to forget about your ex girlfriend is to get rid of any memories or keepsakes that you might have from her. If she got you some gifts or you kept keepsakes from your relationship, now is the time to get rid of them. You need to start to clean her out of your life so you can move on. If you continue to hold onto those memories and keepsakes, then you are going to run into a problem. You are never going to truly get over her and this is going to be bad. Any woman that you date in the future won’t be her and you will always be comparing her to your ex because you never truly let go. It’s time to let go.

Another way to get over your ex girlfriend is to start working out. Getting in shape and feeling good about your body is going to work wonders for your soul. It can give you some confidence and help to pick you up off the floor. Getting into a routine will keep your mind and body busy. As well, you will probably attract some new women into your life and this is always a plus. Feeling good and looking good will help to heal your broken heart fast. The pain will go away and life will seem easier soon. You just need to use these tips so you can learn how to move on.

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You split up with your girlfriend or wife, and now you are thinking and making plans to win your ex back. Good. Take a while to ponder what women want in a man, and what your ex might want in particular. You are no doubt worrying about how to get my ex back, quick. Well, this is going to take some brain time, so go get a good cuppa coffee, and let’s start to work on the problem.

Ask almost any woman what she wants in a man, and she is likely to say, a sense of humor, intelligence, being successful (ie rich), and being sexy. These traits may indeed help the relationship at first. But in the long run, a strong, honest character is probably more important.

Both of you will need good character to get over the inevitable speed bumps your relationship will hit. Find a way to impress your lady with your reliability, dependability and good sense. Go with this thought as your guiding principle: If you have integrity, nothing else matters. On the other hand, if you do not have integrity, nothing else matters.

Now, before your ex can fall in love with you again, she will need to be your friend first. Go out on some short dates with her, and try to work out your problems. She wants someone who listens to her, and values her opinions. Be sure not to monopolize the conversation. Make eye contact frequently. People who cannot look you in the eye, are often thought of as untrustworthy or shifty. Above all, do not ogle the pretty young thing who walks by your table. That makes her feel cheap and unloved.

Next, she wants to feel safe with you, and that she can trust you. Be careful never to lie to her or mislead her, or put her in a difficult situation. She wants you to protect her, but in a cool, understated way that does not treat her like a child. She is, after all, a mature adult, just like you. Take care not to treat her like any other possession. That will probably end your relationship quickly.

Perhaps the two of you broke up because she thinks she is too good for you, or you are not sexy or rich enough, etc. This just means you will have to work a little harder to get your ex back. Let her know that strong muscles do not necessarily make for a strong relationship.

Yes, it is true that money is a powerful magnet for women. The good news for us regular guys is that flowers work almost as well. Do not pass up an occasion to send her a bouquet, with a hand-written, thoughtful card. Find a way to point out that a woman cannot have a good relationship with a wallet. Remember what happened to Tiger Woods (a kazillionaire) and his wife, who now appear to have separated.

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She may sometimes want you to prove your love for her, or she may constantly find fault with you. This is not smart, or conducive to a close, long-term relationship. Even so, be patient and gentle. You should always be clean, smell good, and be well-groomed. This does not have to cost a lot of money. You can look good in a pair of jeans, as long as they are not patched or frayed. Get a new watch, jacket and shirt. (Take a female friend with you, when you shop!) If she still criticizes and finds fault, carefully try to steer the conversation in another direction.

When you are out on those mini-dates I mentioned above, watch her carefully and be attentive to her signals. If she is constantly talking on her cellphone or texting her friends, or spending a lot of time in the restroom, she may be trying to tell you that this is not working for her, and she wants to go home.

Say a polite good night, and let it go at that, for now. Be pleasant, and do not take offense. In these kinds of situations, use your judgement and instincts. Learn from each experience, both good and bad. Good judgment comes from… you guessed it… experience, which often comes from bad judgment.

Women occasionally suffer from a lack of confidence. She may feel that in some way, she does not deserve success in her career. She may actually subconsciously do things to sabotage her advancement at work. She may be doing the same thing to your relationship. If you sense that this might be the case, you should focus on the positive things in your past relationship, and in her life.

Let her know that you consider her a wonderful, successful person. The two of you have a great future ahead of you; you just need to get past these few current difficulties. In other words, you need to make her feel happy and secure. You must become her rock, or anchor that she depends on for comfort and stability in her life.

Some women, especially after a painful breakup, will keep themselves very busy. They make sure that they have no time for men, even an ex. This is a defense mechanism to prevent them from getting hurt again. You will have to find an opening, a chink in her armor. To begin with, suggest a quick coffee and sandwich lunch, close to her job.

Keep it very short. This will show her that you respect her feelings, but you can still fit into her busy life on her terms, in a non-threatening way. It increases her comfort level with you, and so raises the likelihood that she will accept to continue seeing you. She is measuring your ability to love her, and to commit to the relationship. She wants a strong, confident man who goes through his life with joy and poise, and who is a real go-getter. But she also wants to be treated gently, and with respect.

It is your job to find the right balance between these requirements. Mention clearly that you want to resolve your problems and get back together with her. You do not want to take the easy way out and just split up. This will encourage her to work at the relationship as well, and make an effort to repair it.

One of the most attractive things in life is to see a couple who are happy, secure and trusting with each other. And, of course, obviously in love. With a little work, thought and sensitivity, you can get your relationship there also!

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