Empathic Coder Is Urgently Needed.

Code with Empathy

Jason Elian
2 min readAug 30, 2020

Sharing my perspective about the world.

What I see as a software engineer, I see a lot of engineers code only to make money. They don’t care about their teammates, company, neither the consumers. Code is more than computer instructions. It also contains the process of problem solving. Many engineers don’t always know what’s going on in their code because it just works “period”. I rarely see coders who have the empathy to note or fix it.

“It works” doesn’t mean your job is done for the feature. Maybe, It’s done at that time for some cases. However, as time goes by, you will go to the code again to add some features or even bugs fixing. When you don’t have the empathy to write code, it will increase more time to read the code you or your teammates have written. This will be a snowball effect if you don’t take extra effort to fix it.

A person thinking how the code is working on a computer.
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

A great application is an application that maintains users.

A great application isn’t a software that has a bunch of the use-cases but maintaining the users. In this era, there’s a lot of software that helps people to solve problems. Your empathy is playing a big role to make your company sustain and stand by its value. What does it mean? Make it maintainable for the next programmer. So, simplify your logic, write clearly(indentation, etc.), and reduce the amount of confusing logic, flow, or name in your code will make them a lot easier to understand your code and scale it. Also, make it as efficient as you can. I’m not saying as it can be, but as you can, because you have some constraint either the time or the use-case.

We have no idea what a good programmer looks like.

- Trisha Gee

So, instead of chasing what a good programmer looks like, look what you can do for your teammates to make the cycle go faster, maintainable, and scalable. In my opinion, seeking for empathic coder is more important than a good programmer.

I challenge you to build empathy in your team starting by you. Good luck!🔥.

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Jason Elian

An ordinary engineer with a bunch of curiosity. Helping people to grow and move faster.