Make Understandable Code

Simple yet important — Conditional Statement

Jason Elian
2 min readSep 6, 2020
People that thinking about what their doing.
Photo by Jason Strull on Unsplash

Code is simple, it only contains some essential fundamentals which are sequence and conditional statement. But, why many people said that code is hard, maybe because they see a lot of code are written badly? Or it’s truly hard?

“Indeed, the ratio of time spent reading versus writing is well over 10 to 1.”

- Robert C. Martin, Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

He said that reading code is a lot harder than writing code. So, it’s maybe the code that is hard to read and understand. Even though the reader is the writer itself, it is still hard. I researched on Github and found that many coders make their code with high complexity and not understandable.

We can improve the learning curve from the smallest step, which is making a great if statement. Without further do, let’s get some examples:

  1. If your balance is more than 100 save 5%. If not, save 3%.
Logical Statement vs Variable Statement

Humans are hard to remember numbers. It’s easier to remember rather than . From the example above, which one better? Hope you choose the second one. hasMinimumBalance has more understandable statement, instead of balance < 100. Always making it more readable, that’s why coders should have empathy.

Let’s go for the second example.

2. If you have your math score 0 < score< 60, you should learn it better.

Variable Statement, Logical Statement with math order, and Logical Statement without math order.

From the example above, which one is better to read? Hope you answered the first option. Writing without the simplest math formula is not recommended, like in the third option. Even coders will have to put more effort to understand it.

The second option is better than the third option because without reading the numbers it is about the range of numbers. However, the first one is better for non coders, they don’t have to know about the math symbol. Also, it’s more readable right? When the non coders understand the code, the coder would be easier to coders to understand.

I challenge you to do it and challenge your mates to do it to! Good Luck! Let’s make this world move better and faster. 🔥.

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Jason Elian

An ordinary engineer with a bunch of curiosity. Helping people to grow and move faster.