How to Hadoop at home with Raspberry Pi — Part 1

Jason I. Carter
5 min readMar 26, 2016

If you’re new to Raspberry PI and Hadoop and want to build a Hadoop cluster on Raspberry PI, this is definitely the place for you. Together we’re going to learn “Distributed Computing and Big Data Processing” and end up with our very own Raspberry Pi Hadoop Cluster.

This is not a tutorial. Think of it more as a journey, there’s no nice step-by-step process here, I’m going to make mistakes, get errors, fix them and try to move on.

  1. Part 1: Setting up Raspberry Pi and network configurations
  2. Part 2: Hadoop single node setup, testing and prepping the cluster
  3. Part 3: Hadoop cluster setup, testing and final thoughts


build a Raspberry Pi Hadoop Cluster? A couple of reasons. I’m actually interested in it, surprise surprise. Plus, I’m a nerd and a techie with a software development background. I also think Data Engineer and Data Analysis are pretty cool and interesting careers, so how better to get to know them than by doing it???

In the end, I’m hoping to have some fun learning about Raspberry Pi, Hadoop and all…most…some of its components. I’m also taking Udacity’s Nanodegree in Data Analytics so I think it’ll be a pretty cool experience trying to learn Data Analytics along with Data Engineering my own Hadoop Cluster.


will I get things done? From scratch and the internet, my dear friend. So far I’ve found some amazing…

