Justin Bolognino
2 min readMay 13, 2022


Anamnesis Track 9


In philosophy, anamnesis (/ˌænæmˈniːsɪs/; Ancient Greek: ἀνάμνησις) is a concept in Plato’s epistemological and psychological theory that he develops in his dialogues Meno and Phaedo and alludes to in his Phaedrus. The idea is that humans possess innate knowledge (perhaps acquired before birth) and that learning consists of rediscovering that knowledge from within.

In 2003–2004, I made my first record with 1 SM57 mic, a small three-piece drum kit, an acoustic and electric guitar, an Access Virus analog synth, and Ableton 2. The nine tracks each represent the stages of Consciousness, as proposed by Spiral Dynamics and Ken Wilber’s work. Here’s a quick overview story. Each of my next nine posts will be dedicated to telling the story and meaning of each track-stage. Enjoy!


What is there to be said about that which can not be said? As soon as we try to name the final stage, its no longer “IT”. We crafty humans have taken our best shot at it with a countless array of words. God. Creator. Allah. Supreme Being. Brahman. The Candlestick Maker. You name it, we’ve… named it. But like a wet bar of soap in a hot shower, as soon as you grab that name to tightly, it slips away.

From my 2013 “words Words WORDS” piece, my thoughts on LOVE:

LOVE — is. All pervasive and everlasting, LOVE is (T)HERE. There is no beginning and no ending to LOVE, it is always BEGENDING. It is an inescapable shower of LIGHT that most of us spend a lifetime covering up with shades, drapes, awnings, plywood and shutters. We block the LIGHT because it’s too obvious, it’s too simple, and too present. LOVE is not the butcher, nor the baker — LOVE is the CANDLESTICK maker.

It’s the easiest thing to miss, and most don’t know it’s always NOWhere at the tip of your nose.

LOVE has manifested itself into countless words throughout history, and we most especially must remember that the word LOVE is certainly NOT LOVE.


Musically, a very simple tune that features my acoustic guitar that was my Christmas present at 16, a gorgeous Yamama that still graces my hands to this day. I love that instrument dearly. Even more dearly, I love my wife, whose angelic, pristine singing voice is featured in harmony with my not so angelic, not so pristine singing voice.

“What do you mean when you say, ‘eternity’?”

The Ever-Present I AM that is LOVE IS and ALL/WAYS will be…





Justin Bolognino

Founder + CEO of META® / Synchronicity Architect / Consciousness Farmer @ Silent G Farms / Jazz Student / Dad x 3