What I’ve been up to: Podcasts I’ve been listening to

J.C. Hiatt
3 min readNov 11, 2016


I’ve grown to love podcasts over the years.

I started out listening to sermons from John Piper, Voddie Baucham, Mark Driscoll, Paul Washer, and a few other Reformed guys, but in the past 6 months or so I’ve expanded my listening to feed not only my soul, but my my professional life.

Here are some of my favorite podcasts on coding, productivity, and freelancing:

1. The Freelancer’s Show

I absolutely love this podcast. It’s part of the DevChat.tv network and hosted by Charles Max Wood. It covers how to work effectively as a freelancer, with topics ranging from how to transition to freelancing, to maximizing your productivity, to automating your sales pipeline, and more.

I started listening to this show about a month ago. I’ve been listening to the backlog and have already benefitted immensely. I highly recommend this show!

Here’s a link to The Freelancer’s Show on DevChat.tv.

2. The Tim Ferriss Show

About 2 months ago I became a big Tim Ferriss fan. I started reading the Four Hour Work Week and at the same time discovered the Four Hour Body, which introduced me to Tim’s Slow-Carb Diet and Occam’s Protocol. I’ve been experimenting with his findings and it’s been awesome.

I immediately started listening to Tim’s podcast and have really enjoyed it. His goal during his show, which is mostly in interview format, is to deconstruct the best of the best in the world (no matter the subject matter), and try to find common threads that we the average can apply to our lives.

He recently had a 3+ hour long interview with David Heinemeier Hansson, so if you’re in the Rails world you should definitely check that one out.

Here’s a link to The Tim Ferriss Show landing page.

3. The Ruby Rogues

Another podcast from DevChat.tv and Charles Max Wood. I only just recently discovered this one in the past couple of weeks, so I haven’t listened to many. But based on what I’ve heard so far (just listened to a great episode about React on Rails) and the fact that DevChat.tv seems to really care about the quality of their shows, I’d say it’s worth checking out.

Here’s a link to The Ruby Rogues on DevChat.tv.

4. JavaScript Jabber

Yet another one from DevChat.tv. I actually haven’t listened to this one (just subscribed today), but I’m excited to. Again, I have nothing but good things to say so far about the DevChat.tv network.

Here’s a link to JavaScript Jabber on DevChat.tv.

5. React Native Radio

Here’s one from … you guessed it, DevChat.tv. I have to get React Native Radio a huge shoutout because my friend Nader Dabit is the host, and he does a great job. If you’re interested in React Native, you need to check out his Medium profile.

Here’s a link to React Native Radio on DevChat.tv.

Hopefully one or more of these will be of value to you. How many podcasts do you listen to each week? What are some of your favorites?

This post is a continuation of a series of updates of what I’ve been up to this year. Here’s the original outline. As always, you can hit me up on Twitter with any comments / questions / profanities.



J.C. Hiatt

Founder @ DevLifts. Software Engineer & Growth Manager @ Echobind. Working with full stack JavaScript and GraphQL.